lab of Characterization and descriptions

lab of Characterization and descriptions

i.                    Practicum Date: March 4, 2016

ii.                  Practicum Title: Characterization and descriptions

iii.                Interest Practicum:

1. Know the root system and various forms of metamorphosis
2. Know the stem and stem variations of metamorphosis
3. Know the complete and incomplete leaf
4. Know the compound leaves and single
5. Understand the interest Magnoliopsida and Liliopsida
6. Understand the fruits and seeds Magnoliopsida and Liliopsida

iv.                Basic theory :

Personality is generally identified as a sign or which refers to the shape, composition, behavior that is used to compare, menginterpresatsikan or split between organisms with each other. Personality traits are often distinguished by (Diazb, 2009: 38).
Descriptions or descriptions which oemaparan and parse any restrictions or the scope and characteristics of a taxonomy with a detailed portrayal or depiction that uses words and terms, and sometimes also equipped illustrations. In other words, the embodiment descriptions conclusions and characterization of a taxon (Dreyer, 2007: 67).
In general it can be said that the good characteristics for the purposes of systematic biology should not be easily influenced to lingkujngan (Lumowa, 2012: 76).

v.                  Tools and Materials:

a. Tool
- Stationery
b. material
- Grassroots shake (Cloris barbata)
- Roots fragrant pandan (Pandanus sp)
- Grass Puzzle (Cyperus rotundus)
- Spinach thorn (Ameranthus spinous L)
- Sugarcane (Sacharum officinarum L)
- Sidaguri (Sida rumbifolia L)
- Turmeric (Curcuma domestica L)
- Taro leaves (Colacasia esculenta)
- Leaves wooden tubers (Manihot utilsima)
- Moringa leaves (Moringa olifera)
- Leaves of roses (Rosa hybrid L)
- Flowers coconut (Cocus nucifera L)
- Flowers Crotalaria juncea (Crotaria steriata L)
- Flowers of hibiscus (Hibiscus ahery L)
- Orchids (Orcidaceae)
- Fruit and mango seed (Magnifera indica L)
- Fruits and seeds of Jatropha (Jatropha curcas L)
- Fruit and grapefruit (Cytrus sp)
- Seeds melinjo (Gnetum gnemon L)

vi.                Ways of working :

1. Drawn systematically
2. Given the description on section

vii.              The results of the experiment

viii.            Discussion

Description is a depiction in words of limitation, the scope and nature of a taxon. Or in other words, the description is a conclusion and realization and the characterization of the taxon. Raw Bahn characterization that is abstract and characteristics of nature. Higher plants are plants that higher levels of development. Included in one division, Spermatophyta divided over two taxa are gymnosperms and angiosperms.
In this lab, there are 16 preparations used for the description of that orchid (Orcidaceae). Fruit and mango seed (Magnifera indica L). Fruits and seeds of Jatropha (Jatropha curcas L). Citrus fruit and seeds (Cytrus sp). Seeds melinjo (Gnetum gnemon L). Hibiscus (Hibiscus ahery L). Flowers Crotalaria juncea (Crotaria steriata L). Flowers coconut (Cocus nucifera L). Leaf wooden tubers (Manihot utilsima). Taro leaves (Colacasia esculenta). Moringa leaves (Moringa olifera). Turmeric (Curcuma domestica L). Sugarcane (Sacharum officinarum L). Spinach spines (Ameranthus spinous L). Sedges (Cyperus rotundus). Roots fragrant pandan (Pandanus sp). Grass roots rocking (Cloris barbata).
In Cocus nucifera are part male and female parts of the flower is not complete, the Sacharum oficinarum surface slippery nature stems, herbaceous da branching monopodial, there are some stipules on each nodusnya, on Curcuma domestica nature of the wet form of spherical rod smooth, branching monopodial.
In Ameranthus spinous rough surfaces, rounded form of the stem, then dikotil and unbranched, pda Cyperus rotundus nature wet bar, square, branch monopodial and upward growth. At Pandanus sp referred rosette root, leaf also incomplete because it has a single stalk.
In Clotalaria stiriata an infinity of compound interest is getting to aujung getting younger. In Cytrus sp rind has three layers, namely an outer layer that is flubeto, the middle layer and the inner layer. On Jatropha curcas is a berry fruit. In Gnetum gnemon have tankup, radicel, buha outer skin, the skin and seeds of fruit in which is goongan from gymnosperms.
In Manihot utilsima incomplete because the said leaf midrib nonexistent, wake rounded leaves, leaf pertulangan Menjar, the top coarse, pointed leaf tip, leaf base rounded, classified as a shrub. In Colacasia referred esculenta full leaf midrib karean have, petiole and leaf blade. Slippery waxy leaf surface that the top and bottom different. The base rounded, tapered tip and fleshy leaves.

ix.                Conclusion

1. Description of the depiction in words of limitation, the scope and nature of a taxon
2. Plant a high level ie plants that higher levels of development.
3. In this lab, there are 16 preparations used for description.
4. In Cocus nucifera are part male and part female flower classed incomplete.
5. On Sacharum oficinarum surface slippery nature stems, herbaceous da branching monopodial.
6. On Curcuma domestica nature of the wet form of spherical rod smooth, branching monopodial.
7. In Clotalaria stiriata an infinity of compound interest is getting to aujung getting younger.
8. In Cytrus sp rind has three layers, namely an outer layer that is flubeto, the middle layer and the inner layer.
9. In the said utilsima Manihot tida leaf midrib complete as nonexistent, wake rounded leaves.
10. In the said esculenta Colacasia full leaf midrib karean have, petiole and leaf blade.

x.                  Bibliography

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