Structure SPERM CELLS (spermatozoa) and PROCESS FORMATION

Structure SPERM CELLS (spermatozoa) and PROCESS FORMATION


Spermatozoa has three important parts of the head, neck, middle and tail. Which each constituent part has a typical organelles.
  At the head of the sperm consists of a nucleus where here there are various sperm genetic information that will be inherited later. In addition to the head there is also a variety of enzymes in the acrosome. The structure of the acrosome vesicles covering the head is being used by each sperm to "drill" or penetrate the layers when the ovum is released. It must be known that the acrosome is a modified version of the lysosomes. This modification is formed through a process of forming vesicles from the Golgi apparatus and RE. The acrosome enzymes in the enzyme called akrosomal, these enzymes remain in kedaan inactive (inactive) before meeting with the egg. When will make contact with the egg, the sperm will be active and ready to be issued.

The neck (cervical) is the part that connects the head to the body (middle), the neck there centriol
The middle part is the part that contained mitochondria. As it is known that mitochondria will produce energy that will be used by the cells for specific purposes. In the case of sperm cells used for the movement of the tail to walk / swim to the egg cell.
The tail: the tail is used to move. The mobility of sperm cells come from here. The tail of the sperm in the form of flagella (locomotor). Karakterisitk of the flagellum which has a length of more than sillia (which also locomotor) of about 10-200 μm in diameter is almost the same. In addition the number of flagella less than the cillia, flagellum is only one or a few pieces at a single cell (terbetas). Although different in terms of length and number of each cell and pulse pattern (movement) between different flagellum sillia and there is one similarity that have a core made of mikrotubuls shrouded by a widening of the plasma membrane. In fact by moving (pulse) flagella and sillia same that comes from specialized microtubules, the way the motion of flagella with wavy (undulating) and generate the force and the same direction as the axis of the flagellum.


There are several stages through which a sperm cell before it becomes perfect. This process occurs in the seminiferous tubules in the testes of male there. The formation of sperm is called spermatogonia.

Hormones that play a role in the formation of sperm cells is known as FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) This hormone is used when forming cells ABP (androgen binding protein) FSH stimulates the Sertoli cells in order to APB can be formed before use in the process spermatoginesis. Below are described several stages of sperm formation

- Spermatoginesis: in the first phase of spermatogonia have 23 pairs of chromosomes and diploid (2n) and primary spermatocytes (the beginning of the spermatozoa cells) also diploid.
When spermatocytes have cleavage, it forms two new daughter cells are cells secondary spermatocytes, both of which each has a chromosome is haploid.
This cleavage process must be accompanied ralatif temperature lower than normal body temperature.

- Meosis: This stage is the stage of cell division spermatocytes. As described earlier spermatocyte cells will be split into two which each have a chromosome is haploid. After emerging secondary spermatocytes then take effect immediately meosis second process is the formation of spermatids.

- Spermioginesis: is the final stage of the formation of sperm. Spermatids which has been formed from meosis II will be the spermatozoa (sperm intact). Changes spermatids into spermatozoa is complete, in the sense of complete ie has complete parts like the head, body and tail. At the beginning of this process (spermatid) has a short diameter will be a long and clear structure.

When it was time removed the body will transfer the sperm out of the body with fluid assisted reproduction (cemen) produced by glands seminal vesicles. This fluid contains enzymes and highly viscous. Also be mixed with prostagladin and fluid from the prostate gland, so that it becomes like milk sticky and lumpy. And fluid from the Cowper's glands translucent color that can neutralize the urine before being excreted through the urethra meatus. In fact after all mixes will produce seminal fluid that has a greater volume than before, about 1/3 of semen (seminal fluid that early).


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