Divisio Cryptophyta feature is very complete !!

Divisio Cryptophyta

Plankton is a small organism that lives in a pool of water and its movement follows the movement of water masses. Based on how to obtain food plankton divided atasa: phytoplankton and zooplankton. Inside the phytoplankton there are several divisions which one of them is Cryptophyta division.

Cryptophyta is a unique unicellular group. This group is eukaryotic, which has esophagus. All of these species have flagellum, are motile, and have one or two chloroplasts and have clorophyl a and c, phycocyanin and phycoeretrine as well as some carotenoids that give a brownish color to their body. Can do photosynthesis or survive by using bacteria. It is generally not used as a feed in aquaculture environment, however, the population in nature is food for rotifers, shellfish, oysters and shrimp larvae.

In this paper we will discuss the general characteristics, structure, classification, and reproductive system of Cryptophyta.

A. General characteristics

1. Cryptophyta is a single celled ganging that has two flagella used for swimming.
2. Has photosynthetic pigments consisting of chlorophyll a and b as in plants, carotene and some xanthophiles.
3. A relatively small group, but ecologically and evolution is important.
For example: Phytoplankton whose habitats are in freshwater and marine environments.
4. Food reserve of starch, cell wall consists of cellulose, xylan, manan, some not cell wall, and has flagella 1-8 fruit.
5. This biota has dorsiventral asymmetric cells and the body is surrounded by periplast.
6. A pair of flagella appears in the ventral part and is an extension of an alley, which is located on the anterior end of the cell. Example of Cryptomonas ovate flagella
7. Flagella can be of the same size or not the same length, homodinamic or heterodynamic, such as hard and soft hair as flagella in Chrysophyta or Phaeophyta
8. This biota has clear pigmentation. Nonetheless, there are also colorless biota.
9. The color of pigmentation causes the biota to be red, blue, yellow, brown or green.
10. Pigment color changes may occur. Eg: Chroomonas salina when young is red, but after the old tends to be green.
11. Chloroplast is surrounded by four layers of membrane. The two deepest layers are a strong shell to protect the chloroplast. The two outermost layers are the chloroplast endoplasm reticulum (cer).

B. Structures

cell structure cryotiphyta

Cryptophyta is elliptical and has 2 flagella. Cryptophyta has a unique cellular cover called periplast containing ejektosomonas (also called trichocysts), tightly strands that meligkar of proteins that also contain toxins. Ejektosomones this is a defense mechanism. A cell may excrete ejektosomones if they feel threatened by predators, such as zooplankers. Ejektosomones are distracting and give Cryptophyta time to swim away.

Cryptophyta can eat prey (heterotrophic) or use photosynthesis (autotrophic) to obtain energy for cells. Different cells due to the pikel on feriplast are called grooves. Inside a groove, or a more ejektosome throat. Cells capable of ingesting (eating) bacteria or protoctists and toxins from ejektosome subdue or kill their prey. Cells that photosynthesize using chlorophyll and pigment access. Cryptophyta has additional pigments of alpha-carotene, cryptoxanthin and alloxanthi.

C. Reproduction

The reproductive system Cryptophyta is divided into two stages: Asexual Reproduction and Sexual Reproduction

1. Asexual reproduction

asexual reproduction cryotiphyta
The asexual reproduction of Cryptophyta division is done by mitosis. Mitosis is a division of body cells. Cells also have cytokinesis, a cytoplasmic division of the posterior end. Plastid and nucleomorph are divided before mitosis, the nucleomorph moves to the opposite end of the plastid.

The asexual reproduction of Cryptophyta division is done by splitting the cell lengthwise / longitudinally / vertically. Asexual / vegetative reproduction occurs either when the cell is in motile condition or in a resting state.

For those who have two flagella, one of the tiller cells may carry both the old flagella and the tiller cells will produce a new flagella or may occur each of the tiller cells carry one flagella and then each will produce one more flagella.

2. Sexual reproduction

sexual reproduction cryotiphyta
In general, the sexual reproduction of cryptophyta divisions has not been well studied or sometimes reports of these reproductions have not been confirmed well.
The sexual reproduction of the Cryptophyta division is to melalyu male gamete cells joining the female gamete cells of the same size (isogami). Then there is the fusion of cells (fusion) and formed the next zygote ineiosis and become a new individual. For example the genus Cryptomonos.

D. Classification

Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Cryptophyta
Class: Cryptopiceae
Genus: Crryptomonas
Species: - Cryptomonas ovate
- Cryptomonas major
- Chroomonas salina
- Chilomonas paramecium

E. Distribution

1. Fresh water and sea.
2. Freshwater lakes, ponds and moats, especially in the cold waters. Dominant species in some Antarctic lakes. Also found in waterial sandy beach interestial.


F. The role of life

1. Through the process of photosynthesis, chlorella converts carbon dioxide (CO2) into oxygen (O2). In the human body, this oxidation process cleans the cell and circulatory tissues.

2. Most cryptomonadales chlorella sorokiniana cell cells can be digested; 95% of the digestive process is performed by the body for less than 2 hours. Compare with other products that take up to 5 hours.

3. Cryptomonadales chlorella contains a large amount of protein that is balanced with the amino acid composition.

4. Cryptomonadales chlorella has vitamins and minerals contained with large amounts of active phytonutrients, a rich source of DNA & RNA that can help rejuvenate the body's cell structure.

5. Cryptomonadales chlorella contains chlorophyll (green) and phycocyanin (blue) in large quantities. Chlorophyll is known for blood filter. Phycocyanin is a powerful antioxidant substance and can be used to protect the liver (liver) and kidneys.

6. Cryptomonadales chlorella has the ability to convert acidic cells into neutral conditions. The acid cell condition makes a person susceptible to disease.

7. Cryptomonadales chlorella is a very powerful immune booster.

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