Friday, October 20, 2017

Chlorophyta Unicellular features, form, classification, reproduction and role for life

Chlorophyta Uniseluler

Actually chlorophyta is unicellular and multicellular, this time we will discuss why he is unicellular and what are his main characteristics from others and others deh. Unicellular Chlorophyta is one class of algae whose cells are eukaryotes (essentially wrapped by membranes).
Chlorophyta or green algae is the most abundant algae in the world compared to other algae. Chlorophyta is called green algae because it has a very large number of chlorophyll pigments A and B and several other pigments such as xanthophiles etc. contained in chloroplasts. As we know chloroplast there are several types of shapes, there is a bowl shape, saucer, round etc. Later under will I utarakan. Chlorophyta acts as a producer in the ecosystem. Various types of algae that live free in water, especially those whose bodies are single-celled and able to move actively constituted pitoplankton. Some fitolankton are green algae, their chlorophyll pigments actively carry out photosynthesis so that green algae are the main producers in aquatic ecosystems.

Green algae do not show a high degree of deference but the species is present in the world of approximately 7000 species both on land and sea, life can be colonized and individually. Some of these cholophyta live as pytoplankton and there is also a photoautotroph. His place of life is in damp soil, wet walls, in the snow, or clinging to the body of plants or animals. As we know, the famous symbiotic mutualism is the symbiosis between chlorophyta and fungi (fungi) known as Lichenes (crust mushrooms), examples of chlorophyta that are symbiotic with the fungus to form lichen, namely Trebouxia and Pseudotrebouxia. Unicellular chlorophyta is single celled single celled and immobilized (has flagella and active moves).

well we turn to the characteristics of chlorophyta

for the characteristics of Chlorophyta itself separated some start of body structure, then habitat of life, system or how to reproduce and others

a. Habitat

This green algae is very much present in freshwater life, but there is no chance he can live in other places like living in sea water and brackish water. It is generally attached to rocks and often appears when water falls. For unicellular chlorophyta that can live in fresh water, it is cosmopolitan, especially in places where the light is quite like ponds, lakes, puddles, some of its members live in floating or drifting water, some live as plankton.

b. body structure

the structure of the body is very varied among the contrived groups of its own, then the green algae can be grouped as follows:
Unicellular unlelike chlorophyta (non-motile), eg Chlorella and Chlorococcum.
Unicellular chlorophyta that can move (motile), for example Clamydomonas.

c. Cell structure

Chloroplasts on unicellular Chlorophyta

- Chloroplasts
Starting from chloroplast. As described above the chloroplasts in this there are several such pigments. chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b, beta carotene and various xantofil (lutein, violaxanthin, zeaxanthin). The chloroplast follows the shape of its feeding cells there are various forms we meet in Chlorophyta. The shape of chloroplasts varies greatly. Variations in chloroplast form are as follows:

· The shape of the bowl: Clamydomonas, Chlorococcum
· Spherical shape: Chlorella
· Belt shape: Ulotrix
· Form of discs: Chara
· Woven form: Oedogonium
· Spiral shape: Spyrogyra
· Star shape: Zygnema

The sheets of Amylum sheets themselves are unbranched glucose chains of amylose and amylopectin-branched chains. Often the starch is formed in the granules along with the protein body in the plastids called the pythenoid. But some species do not have pythhenols as high-grade chlorophyta. The number of pythoids common in each particular cell can be used as taxonomic evidence.

- Cell wall

As in the cell wall is generally the compiler of the cell wall, among others, the top two inner layers arranged by cellulose and the outer layer is pectin. But some do not have cellulose, but are composed by glycoproteins. Many types of chlorophyceae have a wall ornamentation type that is useful in classification.

- Food Reserves

Its feeding reserves are highly advanced ie starch, starch itself is composed by amylose (unbranched glucose chain) and branched-chain amylopectin (glucose chain)). The amylum is present in granules with proteins and plastids (pirenoid). But there is also no pythonoid and this type is a group of high-level Chlorophyceae.

- The cell nucleus

Chlorophyta has a single common nucleus, but others have more than one nucleus such as Shiponales in its essence itself as in a high level plant that is covered by nuclear membrane and there are nucleus and chromstin.

- Flagella

Flagella itself is a mobile device in the cell. There are two types of phototactic movement in Chlorophyta namely, movement with flagella and mucus secretion. In general, green algae cells both vegetative cells and generative cells found motion tools. Flagel is associated with a very fine structure called the neuromotor apparatus, is a granule at the base of each flagella called blepharoplas. The granules are each connected by a transverse thread called paradesmose. While on the movement with the secretion of mucus caused by a light stimulus that is suspected by the presence of mucus secretion through the porous cell wall on the apical part of the cell. During the forward movement the pole part swings from one side to the other so that the mucus of the rear part is like winding.

d. Reproduction

Reproduction of Uniseluler Chlorophyta

Actually there are several ways of breeding on Chlorphyta:

a. Vegetatively, reproduction is done by fragmentation of the body and cell division, such as Chlorella.

b. Generatively, proliferation is done by conjugation, such as Clamydomonas.

c. Asexually that is, breeding by forming a special cell that is able to develop into a new individual without the melting of the sex cells. In general with spores, it is therefore often called sporikic zoospora proliferation formed by vegetative cells.

d. Sexually, that is, in this breeding occurs with several types of isogamy (Clorococcum), anisogami, and oogami. The isogamic type is the simplest sexual breeding and leads to anisogamy. In the anisogami type each type is a free cell of unequal size. While the type of oogami each gamete has shown the difference in size and shape.


1. Chlorella
Kingdom: Protista
Division: Chlorophyta
Class: Chlorophyceae
Order: Chlorococcales
Family: Oocystaceae
Genus: Chlorella
Species: Chlorella vulgaris pyrenoidosa

2. Chlorococcum
Kingdom: Protista
Division: Chlorophyta
Class: Chlorophyceae
Order: Chlorococcales
Family: Chlorococcaceae
Genus: Clorococcacum
Species: Chlorococcum infusionum

3. Clamydomonas
Kingdom: Protista
Division: Chlorophyta
Class: Chlorophyceae
Order: Volvocales
Family: Clamydomonadaceae
Genus: Clamydomonas
Species: Clamydomonas nivalis

Role for Life

1. Chlorella vulgaris by biologists from Japan have been tried to be processed into various foods, thereby opening up new prospects on food production.

2. Green algae can be the mainstay in studying evolution, especially as the starting point of the evolutionary line.

3. Green algae are also important as a food source for many protozoa and aquatic animals. Chlorella is unicellular, both as organisms that are full of details of photosynthesis as well as possibly food sources in areas not suitable for conventional agriculture.

4. Green algae is a major producer in aquatic ecosystems, in addition Chlorella one of the members of Chlorophyceae have very high nutrition, in this algae cells there is also a kind of antibiotic substances that can inhibit the growth of bacteria.

5. As an alternative food for astronauts, especially chlorella species (because the chlorelin content contains lots of vitamin E).

6. Produce O2 (oxygen) and the result of photositensis required by other animals to breathe.


Chlorophyta (green algae) is an algae that has a very diverse form, which is often encountered is the form of filaments (such as yarn) with septa or without septa, and shaped sheet. Green algae have cell walls composed of cellulose, and they contain vacuoles coated by the cytoplasm. In the cytoplasm there are chloroplasts containing chlorophyll -a and b and carotenoids.

Unicellular Chlorophyta is a single celled chlorophyta eukaryote. Its classification includes single celled immobilized and single celled can move (has flagella). Unicellular Chlorophyta live in fresh water, cosmopolitan, living primarily in areas of considerable light such as ponds, lakes, puddles, some living in floating or drifting water, some living as plankton. The form of chloroplasts in algae varies greatly, namely the shape of bowls, belts, discs, webbing, spirals, and stars. Unicellular chlorophyta reproduces by cell division, isogamy, and conjugation. Unicellular Chlorophyta also has a role for life as a source of food for many protozoa and aquatic animals, major in aquatic ecosystems, and others


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