7 Symbols of Dangerous Chemicals + Pictures and Descriptions

7 Symbols of Dangerous Chemicals + Pictures and Descriptions

The chemicals present in the laboratory have various properties. Among its characteristics, there are some of them that can be harmful to the health and safety of workers and their environment (K3LH). To distinguish between harmful chemicals and harmless chemicals requires a special symbol that is universal. This is what underlies the making of a rule about the symbol of dangerous chemicals. Through these regulations, a symbol is made which signifies the dangerous nature of a chemical. These chemical symbols will be described in this article.

Chemical Symbols

The chemical danger symbol is an orange background pictogram with borders and black images. The images contained in the pictogram generally illustrate the hazardous nature of the labeled material. The nature of the hazard is eg the risk of explosion and fire, health risks and poisoning, or a combination of both.

Chemical Symbols

Here we have summarized 7 symbols of dangerous chemicals complete with pictures and descriptions. Please be listened!

1. Explosive (Easy to Explode)

Simbol Bahan Kimia Mudah Meledak
Explosive Chemical Symbols
Chemicals that are symbolized like the picture beside are explosive. The explosion in the material may occur due to several causes, such as due to collision, heating, blowing, friction, reaction with other chemicals, or due to a source of sparks. Explosions to chemicals with this symbol can sometimes even occur even in conditions without oxygen. Some examples of chemicals with explosive properties such as TNT, ammonium nitrate, and nitrocellulose.

Working with explosive chemicals requires both hands-on experience and knowledge. Avoiding things that can trigger an explosion is very important to prevent the risk of fatal self-protection.

2. Oxidizing (Easy to Oxidize)

Simbol Bahan Kimia Mudah Teroksidasi
Symbol Chemicals are easily oxidized
Symbolically-treated chemicals such as the image on the side are volatile and flammable chemicals through oxidation. The cause of the fire generally occurs due to the reaction of the material with hot air, sparks, or due to raksi with reducing agents. Working with oxidizing chemicals requires knowledge and practical experience. Otherwise, the risk of fire will most likely occur. As for some examples of chemicals with these properties eg hydrogen peroxide and potassium perchlorate. If at any time you work with both materials, avoid heat, reducing agents, and other combustible substances. R-Phrases for oxidizing agents: R7, R8 and R9.

3. Flammable (Flammable)

Simbol Bahan Kimia Mudah Terbakar
Chemical Symbols are Flammable
The chemical symbol on the side indicates that the material is flammable. Flammable materials are divided into 2 types: Extremely Flammable (highly flammable) and Highly Flammable (highly flammable.

Material with Extremely Flammable label has a flash point at 0 ° C and boiling point at 35 ° C. This material is generally a gas at normal temperature and stored in a high-pressure airtight tube. The R-Phrase for highly flammable substances is R12.

Materials with the Highly Flammable label have a flash point at a temperature of 21 degrees Celsius and boiling point at infinite temperature. The influence of moisture on the burning or not of this material is very large. Therefore, they are usually stored under high humidity conditions. The R-Phrase for highly flammable materials is R11.

Some examples of flammable materials can be classified as follows:
Substances burn directly. For example: aluminum alkyl phosphorus. Safety: avoid material contact with air.
The gas is highly flammable. For example: butane and propane. Safety: avoid material contact with air and ignition sources.
Flammable liquid. For example: acetone and benzene. Security: keep away from sources of fire or spark jumps.
Water-sensitive substances, ie substances that form flammable gases in contact with water or fire.

4. Toxic (Toxic)

Simbol Bahan Kimia Beracun
Symbol of Toxic Chemicals
The chemical symbol besides indicating that the material is a toxic substance. Poisoning that can be caused by these chemicals can be acute and chronic, even to the point of causing death at high concentrations. Poisoning because the material with the symbol above does not happen only if the ingredients enter through the mouth. It can also be poisoned by the process of breathing (inhalation) or through contact with the skin.

Some examples of chemicals are toxic eg arsenic trichloride and mercury chloride. Working with these materials should pay attention to personal safety. Avoid direct contact with skin, swallowing, and use mask cover to prevent the vapor from entering through the breath.

5. Harmful Irritant (Danger of Irritation)

Simbol Bahan Kimia Iritasi
Chemical Symbols Irritation
Chemical symbol beside actually divided into 2 code, that is Xn code and Xi code. Code Xn indicates a health risk if the ingredients enter by inhalation, by mouth (ingestion), and through skin contact, examples of materials with Xn code such as peridin. While the Xi code indicates the risk of inflammation if the material is in direct contact with skin and mucous membranes, examples of materials with Xi code such as ammonia and benzyl chloride. The R-Phrases for Xn coded materials are R20, R21 and R22, while for the Xi codes are R36, R37, R38 and R41.

6. Corrosive (Corrosive)

Simbol Bahan Kimia Korosif
Symbol of Corrosive Chemicals
The chemical symbol on the side shows that a substance is corrosive and can damage the living tissue. Characteristics of materials with these properties can generally be seen from the level of keasamaannya. The pH of the corrosive material typically lies in the range of <2 or> 11.5. Some examples of materials with these symbols such as sulfur oxide and chlorine. Do not breathe vapor from this material, nor make it direct contact with your eyes and skin. They can also cause irritation. The R-phrases for corrosive materials are R34 and R35.

7. Dangerous for Enviromental (Hazardous Materials for the Environment)

Simbol Bahan Kimia Berbahaya untuk Lingkungan
Symbol of Hazardous Chemicals for the Environment
The chemical symbols in the image on the side show that the material is harmful to the environment (dangerous for environment). Releasing it directly into the environment, be it to soil, air, water, or to microorganisms can cause ecosystem damage. Some examples of materials with these symbols such as tetraklorometan, tributyl tin chloride, and petroleum gasoline. The R-Phrases for hazardous materials are R50, R51, R52 and R53.

Well, thus 7 chemical symbols complete with description and picture. Hope can be a new knowledge that is beneficial to your safety someday. Associated with the symbol of the hazardous chemical symbols above, if there are any less obvious you can ask through the comment field. Regards.

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