Cyanophyta characteristics, classification, shape, reproduction, habitat and rule for life


Cyanobacteria or blue-green algae is a phylum of bacteria that gets energy through photosynthesis. Cyanobacteria are now one of the largest and most important group of bacteria on earth.
Cyanobacteria are found in almost all habitats of ocean to fresh water, stone of deep purple, sea marsh, and to the ground. They can be single-celled or colonize. Colonies can form filaments or sheets. Cyanobacteria include unicellular, colony and colony filamen.beberapa form filaments can differentiate into   three different cells. Vegetative cells are normal, photosynthetic cells in a good environment, and the type of thick-walled heteroksit containing enzyme nitroginase.

Most Cyanobacteria are found diair bargaining, while others stay dilautan, there is ground moisture, moisturize even the rocks in the desert.


Cyanophyta (blue-green algae) has long called algae, because it is similar to other algae in terms of habitat and way of photosynthesis. Nonetheless, Cyanophyta are prokaryotes and so much more close relatives with bacteria and other algae are eukaryotic. Cyanophyta is a group consisting of 1,500 species with its main characteristic bluish-green. Cyanophyta encased in the wall of peptidoglycan surrounded by a sheath slimy / sticky. Nitrogen fixation that does occur inside heterasista, ie colorless cells scattered among the cells fotosintetiknya. In addition there is also a section heteroksista enlarged spores contain food reserves called akinet. Although Cyanophyta photosynthesize and are prokaryotic,

A.    Characteristics General of Cyanophyta:

1.      Type of prokaryotic cells (similar to the bacteria)

2.      There is a form of unicellular (single-celled), there are colonies and there is also a form of filaments.

3.      Has the pigment chlorophyll, the pigment fikobilin karotinoid and consisting of phycocyanin (blue), and fikoeritin (red). Combined these pigments create a bluish green color.

4.      Chlorophyll is not contained within the chloroplasts, but scattered throughout the protoplasm.

5.      Characteristically autotrof because of chlorophyll.

6. The      body structure is simple, the cell walls contain pectin, hemicellulose and cellulose are sometimes in the form of mucus.

7.      At the edge of the plasma contained chlorophyll dye, Carotene and two kinds of water-soluble kromoprotein namely: phycocyanin fikoeritrin blue and red.

8.      In the middle of the cell there is a section which is colorless containing DNA and RNA.

9.      There is a reserve of glycogen as a food substance and there beside the granules sianofisin (lipo-protein) that is located at the periphery and Volutin whose function remains unclear.

10.  Green algae blue shaped filaments can also form a thick-walled spores that are resistant to hot and dry and can menfiksasi or bind N (nitrogen) is heteroksit.

B.     Distribution / Habitat:

Cyanophyta members are generally found in freshwater and humid places. In addition jga able to live in hot water with temperatures reaching 85 ° C. This temperature is nearly an upper limit for life to live in an active state. Some species can live in polluted water and can be used as an indicator of organic pollution.

C. The cell structure Cyanophyta:

Cyanobacteria body constituent cell structure similar to Gram-negative bacterial cell, with the main characteristics of a cell wall containing peptidoglycan layer thin. Cyanobacteria cell consists of parts, namely the mucus layer, the cell wall, plasma membrane, photosynthetic membranes, mesosom, cytoplasm, ribosomes, granule storage, gas vacuole, protein dense, and nucleoplasm (DNA).

A layer of mucus, blanketing the cell wall. Mucus helps the movement of the slide (locomotion) in unicellular cyanobacteria, as well as vibrate or back and forth motion (oscillation) in the cyanobacteria that shaped threads (filaments). For example Oscillatoria sp.

The cell wall, contains a thin peptidoglycan layer and serves to provide a fixed form in algae and protects the cell contents.

The cell membrane (plasma membrane), is selectively permeable and serves wraps cytoplasm and regulates the exchange of substances.

Photosynthetic membrane (thylakoid membrane), the folding of the plasma membrane toward the cytoplasm that serve to photosynthesize. Photosynthetic membranes containing chlorophyll (green), carotene, and other photosynthetic pigments, among others fikoeritrin (red) and phycocyanin (blue). The combination of these pigments cause Cyanobacteria different colors, such as yellow, red, brown, violet, bright green, bluish-green, even black.

Mesosom, a membrane protrusion into the cytoplasm and serves to produce energy.

Cytoplasm, a colloidal solution composed of water, protein, fat, sugar, minerals, and enzymes. In the cytoplasm are ribosomes , granule storage, gas vacuole, protein dense, and nucleoplasm (DNA).

The ribosome, a tiny organelles that function for protein synthesis.

Granule storage, serves to store food reserves.

Gas vacuoles, filled with air that causes the body Cyanobacteria can float on the water surface, so it gets sunlight for photosynthesis.

Nucleoid, is the genetic material that is composed of DNA and are not surrounded by a membrane. Nucleoid contained in a specific location.

D.    Breeding / Reproduction:

As for how the proliferation of Cyanophyta is known there are three ways that all three including vegetative and asexual reproduction. While breeding is generativ (sexually). Not yet known. These three ways are:

1.      Cytology

Cell divides two parts that make up the new cell. Separate cells can remain joined to form colonies. For example Gleocapsa. Created later drawings.

2.      Fragmentation

Fragmentation is the termination of some members of the body to form a new individual. Occurs in the form of algae filaments (yarn). For example: Oscillatoria. Image Created breeding.

3.      Spores Vegetative

Asexual spores are referred to here is heteroksit. In unfavorable circumstances heteroksit still able to survive because of the thick cell wall and contains a lot of groceries. After returning favorable environment hetroksit can form new filaments. For example: Chamaesiphon comfervicolus.  

E.     Classification

1.      Order Chroococcales

Members of this group, in the singular or without spores, greenish blue color. Generally, these algae form the mucous membranes of the rock or the wet walls. After the division of the cells remain coupled through mucus thus formed groups or colonies. Examples of the order Chroococcales specialist is Choroccus and Gleocapsa.

v  Chroccus
Unicellular organisms or groups in the form of an aggregate of 2 or 4 cells. The results of cell division Chroccus hemispherical shape.

v  Gleocapsa
Gleocapsa elongated round shape and is surrounded by a membrane with several generations of cells contained therein. Membranes sometimes there are pigmented. Gleocapsa found on damp rocks or in the water.

2.      Order Chamaesiphonales

Single-celled algae or colonies that have a thread-shaped spores. The threads can be disjointed called   hormoginium to creep and a new colonies process is called fragmentation.

3.      Order Hormogenesis

The cells are beneng-shaped colonies that thread attached to subtratnya, unbranched, rarely have a true branching, more often have false branching. The threads can always be formed hormoginium. For example: Oscillatoria, Nostoc comune, Anabaena, Spirulina, and Rivulia.

F.      Role For Life

Soaking the rice fields during the rainy season resulted in Nostoc thrive and fix N 2 from the air so as to assist the provision of nitrogen which is used for growing rice. Anabaena azollae, living in symbiosis with Aazollae pinata (salviniales). These spikes can fix nitrogen (N 2 ) in the air and change of ammonia (NH 3 ) that is available to plants. Spirullina is an algae that contains high protein which is better known as single cell protein (PTS) that serve as a food source.

G.    Examples of Cyanophyta and Benefits in Everyday Life:

1.      Cyanobacteria is a nitrogen-free means that  the role of cyanobacteria y aitu binding primary nitrogen in nature, the nitrogen required by the plant itself is very beneficial for the plants so that cyanobacteria example is: Nostoc Commune, Ccadae and Anabaena Anabaena.

2.      As peintis vegetation, that is by forming a layer on the surface of bare soil so that they can live in a less favorable environment where other plants can not live in that area.

3.      Cyanobacteria is also a very important role to add organic matter to the soil.

4.      Spiriluna able to produce a carbohydrate compound which is passable and the other a very high organic compounds required by humans as a food source that contains a lot of protein in it. Therefore Spiriluna can be used for the development of food resources in the future because this Spiriluna in pill form.


                  Blue-green algae ( Cyanobacteria ) is a unicellular and multicellular organisms that are prokaryotic and chlorophyll and phycocyanin. Unicellular algae that live there solitary and there were colonies, while the multicellular generally shaped thread. In addition Cyanophyta are living creatures whose habitat are diair freshwater, marine water, moisture, surface soil.

 Blue-green algae ( Cyanobacteria ) included in the kingdom Monera. Although algae have chlorophyll, but this algae can not be classified to the kingdom Plantae. Because the blue-green algae is still a prokaryotic, while in the eukariotik.Cyanobacteria kingdom Plantae is also very important for the life of one contohya is Spiriluna able to produce a carbohydrate compound which is passable and the other a very high organic compounds required by humans as a food source which contains a lot of protein in it. Therefore Spiriluna can be used for the development of food resources in the future because this Spiriluna in pill form.


Syamsuri, Istamar. 2007. Biologi. Jakarta : Erlangga
Indah, N. 2007, Taksonomi Tumbuhan Tingkat Rendah, Jember: IKIP PGRI Jember.

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