Chlorophyta multicellular
Well this time I will
menshare Chlorophyta multicellular because the previous post I have explained
that unicellular Cholorophyta multicellular there is a unicellular and commonly
called with phytoplankton previously had discussed and there are multicellular
and commonly called algae. Algae usually live attached to a particular
substrate and can grow up to reach tens of meters.

Chlorohyta or green
algae are distinguished algal groups based on their dye or pigmentation. This
green algae is divided into two phyla: chlorophyta and charophyta.
Well we will learn to its General Character
Green algae is one of
several algae other types of algae have different pigment chlorophyll. Green
algae are single-celled and some are multicelled in the form of yarn, sheets or
colonies. This green algae is moving somewhere else, some are settling
As the previous post
algae is the most algae compared to other algae types. Characteristic of green
color obtained from chlorophyll a and b so that more dominant than xantofil

Habitat is the same as
unicellular chlorophyta he lives in sea water, brackish, fresh water. Types
that live in fresh water, cosmopolitan, especially living in places with enough
light such as ponds, lakes, puddles, green algae is also found in the
semi-aquatic environment that is on the rocks, moist soil and moist tree trunk.
Some of its members live in water floating or drifting, some living as
plankton. This is what distinguishes a bit with this unicellular chlorophyta of
this type there are living attached to plants or animals.
Cell Structure
multicellular chlorophyta cell structure
The cell wall is
composed of two layers, the inner layer is cellulose and outer by pectin. But
some of its volvocales wall algae do not contain cellulose, but are composed by
glycoproteins. The caulerpales cell wall contains xylan or mannan.
The core of clorophyta
is prokaryotes and some have eukaryotes. The core is shrouded in the nuclear
membrane of the nucleus and chromatin. The core is generally single but some
have more than one core.
breeding of multicellular chlorophyta
Breeding on Chlorophyta
occurs in 3 ways:
1. Vegetally
On this with
fragmentation and cell division.
2. Sexually
- Conjugation is
breeding by mating Spirogyra sp
- Isogami is a fusion
of two gametes of the same shape and size.
- Anisogami is a fusion
of two gametes that are not the same size.
- Oogami is the fusion
of two gametes that one small and move (as sperm) the other large immobile (as
an egg)
Some examples of sexual
- Isogami:
Chlorococcum, Chlamydomonos, Hydrodictyon
- Anisogami:
Chlamydomonas, Ulva
- Oogami:
Chlamydomonas, Valva, Spirogya, Aedogonium
3. Asexually
Asexual breeding may
occur with the formation of:
- Zoospores are cell
berflagel 2 for example Chlamydomonos
- Aplanospores ie
spores that do not move for example Chlorococcum
- Autospora is
aplanospora which is similar to stem cell for example Chlorella
a. Chlorophyta in the
form of a non-moving colony
Example: Hydrodictyon
Hydrodictyon is found
in fresh water and its colony is shaped like a net. He is great with the naked
eye we can see it. Vegetative reproduction with zoospores and fragmentation.
Fragmentation is done by removing some of its colonies and forming a new
colony. while generative reproduction by conjugation.
b. Chlorophyta-shaped
colonies can move
Example: Volvox
Volvox is found in
freshwater, spherical colonies of between 500 and 5000 pieces. Each cell has 2
flagellas and an eye spot. Asexual reproduction with fragmentation and sex with
conjugated gamete cells.
c. Chlorophyta is a
1. Spyrogyra
The body shape is like
a thread, in each cell there is a spiral chloroplast and a nucleus. Vegetative
reproduction with fragmentation, while sexual reproduction by conjugation. as
for the conjugation steps among others
Two threads are close
together, adjacent cells bump into each other's bulges. The second end of the
touching bulge melts together into a conjugate channel. Through the channel
there was a flow of protoplasm from one cell to another. the two plasmas are
fused, called plasmogamy events and soon followed by a core called cariogami.
The melting results form diploid zygospores. the zygospora undergoes meiosis
and in the appropriate place develops into a new haploid spirogyra yarn.
2. Oedogonium
This algae is a yarn,
found in water atawar and attached to the bottom of the water. vegetative
reproduction performed by each cell produces a much flagella zoospora.
Generative reproduction
is one of the threads to form the male genitalia (antiridium) and produces male
gametes (spermatozoid). On the other thread forms a female genitalia called
oogonium. Oogonium will produce a female gamete (ovum). Tozoid sperm fertilize
the ovum and form a zygote. Zygote will grow to form an individual.
d. Chlorophyta-shaped
1. Ulva
The algae is found at
the bottom of the ocean waters and attached to the base, a leaf-like shape.
develop vegetatively by producing spores and spores grown into haploid ulva
(n), haploid ulva called haploid gametophytes. Then generatively produce male
gametes and female gametes. meeting male gametes and female gametes will
produce a zygote (Z2n). The zygote develops into a diploid ulva called
sporophyte. Furthermore, sporophytes form haploid spores after undergoing
meiosis. Furthermore, it undergoes mitosis and produces haploid gametophytes.
2. Chara
Chara lives in fresh
water primarily attached to rocks. The shape of the talus is like a tall plant,
resembling a stem, which is segmented and branched, small in size. In the field
there are nukula and globula. Inside the nucula is arkegonium and produces an
ovum. Inside the globula is an anterodium that produces spermatozoid. The
spermatozoid will fertilize the ovum and produce a cell-shaped zigospora. On
vegetative reproduction is done by fragmentation.
Another classification
a. Based on the body structure
Green algae have
varying body structures both in size and in shape and in the arrangement. There
is a Chlorophyta consisting of small cells that are colonies in the form of
yarn that branches or not, some are forming colonies that resemble high-level
plant cormus. Of the many variations of green algae are grouped as follows:
1. Senobium colony is a
colony that has a certain number of cells so it has a relatively fixed form,
for example: Volvox, Pandorina.
2. Colonies are unfit,
eg: Tetraspora
3. Shaped -
non-branched filaments, eg: Ulothrix, Oedogonium
b. Based Branching filaments
Chladhopora, Pithopora
1. Hetemtricus, ie
branched filaments which are divided into prostrate and erect parts, eg
2. Foliaceus or parenkimatis,
ie filaments that divide the vegetative cells occur more than one field, for
example: Ulva
3. Tubular, which is a
talus that has many nuclei without a transverse bulkhead, for example: Caulerpa
c. Based on his motion tools
1. Movement with
Flagela in the
Chlorochyceae class is always the type of whiplash (akronematic) and the same
length (isokon), except in the nation oedogoniales, has stefanokon type.
Flagella is associated with a very fine structure called the neuromotor
apparatus. Each flagella consists of axonema composed by 9 dupet microtubules
surrounding the center of which there are 2 microtubule singlets. This
structure is known as the 9 + 2 arrangement. The flagella is surrounded by a
plasma shroud.
2. Movements with mucus
In chlorophyta there is
movement caused by a light stimulus that is suspected by the presence of mucus
secretion through the porous cell wall in the apical part of the cell. During
the forward movement the pole part swings from one side to the other so that
the mucus of the back is like winding.
The role of Chlorophyta in life

1. As a single-cell
protein source example of Chlorela sp
2. As a feeding example
Volvox sp as a vegetable
3. As a plankton, is an
important component in the food chain in freshwater
4. Produce O2 (oxygen)
and the result of photositensis required by other animals to breathe
Hasanuddin dan Mulyadi. 2014. Botani Tumbuhan Rendah. Banda Aceh: University Syiah Kuala Pers.
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