Modern Biotechnology: 10 Product Examples and Its Implementation

Modern Biotechnology: 10 Product Examples and Its Implementation

The development of science and technology has encouraged the birth of various techniques that can solve the problems of human life. One of the techniques of the work of the development of science and technology is modern biotechnology techniques.

Understanding Modern Biotechnology

Modern biotechnology is the application of biotechnology using sophisticated tools and workings to produce a product derived from genetic engineering, through recombinant DNA techniques, protoplasmic fusion, or tissue culture. Modern biotechnology is done in a sterile condition, so the quality of the resulting product is more optimal, both in quality and quantity.

Example of Modern Biotechnology

Some of the products produced from the application of modern biotechnology are already familiar in our lives. Some examples of modern biotechnology products include:

Modern Biotechnology

1. Tissue culture

Tissue culture is an example of the application of modern biotechnology conducted to produce plant seeds through the isolation of certain plant tissues in in vitro media. Tissue culture is a solution to the problem of plant propagation in agricultural cultivation.

With tissue culture, we can obtain uniform seeds in large quantities unlimited by climatic and weather conditions. Some plants are often cultured using tissue culture techniques such as bananas, sugarcane, orchids, and several other ornamental plants.

2. Baby Tubing

Baby tube is the application of modern biotechnology that helps many couples with fertility problems. Couples who can not get offspring due to physical limiting factors can apply this technique as the best solution.
The conception technique initiated by R.G Edwards and P.C Steptoe in 1977 was done by controlling hormonal ovulation hormonally, taking eggs, and fertilization by sperm in a liquid medium. The conception occurring in the infant tube technique is performed outside the female body.

3. Cloning

Cloning is a modern biotechnology technique undertaken to produce genetically identical new individuals. Through cloning, we can produce copies of files from certain DNA, genes, cells, tissues, or organisms. Examples of the application of this technique for example we can find on dolly sheep cloning. The sheep of dolly is produced from the transfer of autosomal cell nuclei (diploid) into the ovum (haploid) that the egg core has taken.

 4. Superior Plants

Through modern biotechnology, humans have also managed to modify the properties of plants so as to have certain resilience against certain conditions, such as pests, diseases, or drought. The technique in producing superior plants is by inserting certain genes in a genetic transfer.

5. Transgenic Animals

Genetic transfers done to produce individuals with superior properties can also be applied in the field of animal husbandry. The transgenic animals obtained from this technique have better capabilities both in their resistance to pest, are able to produce more milk and meat and quality, and other superior properties.

6. Artificial Insemination

Artificial insemination or injecting marriage is a technique done to speed up the breeding process in certain animals. This technique is done by inserting sperm from the male parent into the female egg using insemination gun. The animals that are commonly used as a breeder are ruminant animals such as goats, cows, horses, and so forth.

Through artificial insemination techniques, we can gain many advantages such as better genetic quality of livestock, the use of male seeds can be oprimal, new cattle birth rates increase, and can prevent transmission of certain venereal diseases.

7. BST hormone

Genetic engineering that is a branch of biotechnology has encouraged scientists to successfully find the hormone BST (Bovine Somatotrophin). This hormone is a hormone that is able to optimize the growth and productivity of milk in mammals. Through the use of this hormone, the cow can produce 20% more milk than normal.

The use of BST hormone is legal and has been approved in the United States, but in Europe it is prohibited because it is considered to increase the likelihood of the emergence of disease masitis up to 70% in animals injected this hormone.

8. Vaccines

Vaccine is a modern biotechnology product in the form of antigenic material to prevent the entry of a disease into our body. Vaccine administration makes the body's active immunity to disease attacks (especially those caused by viruses and bacteria) will increase. Some of the already familiar vaccines in our body such as folio vaccines, measles, hepatitis, and malaria vaccine.

9. New Antibiotics

Modern biotechnology also plays an important role in the pharmaceutical and health world. Through its application, scientists can produce new antibiotics through genetically modified strains of microorganisms. Antibiotics are drugs that we use to overcome health problems in the body caused by bacterial, fungal, or viral invection.

10. Insulin Hormone

The hormone insulin plays an important role in controlling the absorption of carbohydrates or glucose in our bodies. People who have diabetes generally have problems producing insulin hormones in their bodies. Their bodies are unable to produce their own insulin hormones so that plasmid technology is needed that can isolate the insulin-producing gene from its pancreatic cells.

Well, so are some examples of modern biotechnology and its application. The development of science and technology will certainly affect the pattern and invention of new biotechnology products. Can we be an expert in this field?

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