Part of Ear and Function + Picture Illustration

Part of Ear and Function + Picture Illustration

The sense of hearing that we have is supported by an organ called the ear. With the ears, we can hear sounds and sounds with frequencies between 20 Hz - 20,000 Hz around us. To support this function, the ear is composed of parts that have their respective functions. What are the parts of the ear and its function? Check out the illustrations and illustrations we will present below.

Part of Ear and Function

In general, the ear is divided into 3 main parts. The three parts are the outer ear, the middle ear, and the inner ear. Here we explain the parts of the ear and its functions are for you to understand.

Part of Ear and Function

1. Outer Ears

Parts of the ear and its functions
The outer ear is the ear parts that can still be seen from the outside. The outer ear consists of 3 main parts, namely the auricle (earlobe), external auditorist analyst (outer ear canal), and the tympanic membrane (eardrum). The outer ear parts and functions can be explained as follows:
The auricle (earlobe) is the part composed by cartilage. This section has a unique shape that supports its function in centralizing sound waves to get into the ear.
External auditor analyst (outside telephoto channel) is the part that has the say sudorifera. This gland produces serum liquid that can harden. Serum fluid generated sudorifera glands smells unpleasant and serves to clean up the dirt and prevent insects from entering.
The tympanic membrane (eardrum) is the outer ear port that serves as a sound-wave capture.

2. Middle Ear

Parts of the ear and its functions
The middle ear is the ears in the form of an air cavity whose sides are coated by epithelial cells. The middle ear functions to continue the sound waves received by the outer ear to the inner ear.

In the middle ear, there is a section called tuba eustachius, a part that connects the ear with the pharynx in the oral cavity and serves to balance the air pressure between the two. Tuba eustachius always closes except when we are swallowing or gaping, therefore when the ears ring, we are advised to swallow or gap. Ringing in the ear usually occurs due to air pressure that is too low in the ear cavity. To balance that pressure, gaping or swallowing is the most scientific way that can be done.

The middle ear is composed of 3 main hearing bones of hammer bone (maleus), base bone (incus), and stapes bone. These three bones are interrelated and can move because they are connected by the joints. These three main hearing bones are arranged in such a way that it can serve to transmit the vibrations received from the tympanic membrane in the outer ear to the oval window in the inner ear.

3. Deep Ears

Parts of the ear and its functions
The inner ear (labyrinth) is the inner ear. This part of the ear is composed of the bone (osea labyrinth) and the membrane (membrane labyrinth).

The osea labyrinth is a cavity containing perilimfe fluid found on the bony bulge, while the labyrinth of the membrane lies deeper and coated by epithelial cells containing endolymph fluid.

The labyrinth of osea or labyrinth bone is composed of 3 main parts which have their respective functions, ie cochlear (working snails) that support the hearing function, vestibuli function to maintain balance, and the semicircural canal serves to maintain pressure.
The cochlea is shaped like a twisted, twisted tube that surrounds the bone so as to resemble a cone at its end. This section serves as a receptor of sound waves received by the ear because it has many nerve cells in it.
Vestibuli consist of sakula and utrikula composed by macula acustika, special hair-cell structures. Macula acustika in the sac is vertically arranged, while the macula acustika in utrikula is arranged horizontally.
The semicircular canal is a semicircular duct in the inner ear composed of three semicircular channels, the horizontal semicircular canal, the superior vertical semicircular canal, and the posterior vertical semiconductor canal.

Well, so briefly our explanation of the parts of the ear and its functions. Hopefully after understanding the parts of the ear, we can be more careful in maintaining the health of our sense of hearing. Regards!

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