Types Of Motion On Plants, Examples, and Images

Types Of Motion On Plants, Examples, and Images

Motion On Plants - One of the characteristics of living things is moving. Humans, animals, and plants move. Nevertheless, the movement of plants is very different from the movements made by humans and animals.

If humans and animals can do active motion (migrating), then plants can only do passive motion (can not move). Well, the motion in the plant itself can be divided into various. In this article we will discuss about the various motions in the plant complete with examples and drawings. Please be listened!

Motion On Plants, Examples, and Images
Before discussing the kinds of motion in plants and for example, first let us understand the mechanism of motion that occurs in plants.

Movements in plants can occur after they get stimuli. The stimulus can come from both inside and outside the environment. What is meant by stimulus in this case can be water, light, earth gravity, chemicals, and so forth.

Various Kinds Of Motion On Plants, Examples, and Images

As for the origin of stimulation, the motion in plants can be divided into 2, namely endonomic motion and movement of esionom.

A. Endonomic (Autonomous) Motion

Endonomic motion is motion in plants caused by the influence of stimuli originating from within the plant body itself. Therefore, endonomic motion can also be called autonomic motion.

Examples of endonomic motion include hygroscopic motion or movement of body parts due to changes in water content in the body. The rupture of lamtoro and turi leather, and the opening of the spore box in the nail and moss plants is the simplest example of endocrine motion. 

B. Esionom Motion (Etionom)

Eionomic motion is motion in plants caused by the influence of stimuli coming from the outside environment. Eionomic motion is divided into 3 kinds. The various ethical motions and examples are described as follows:

1. The motion of Tropism

The motion of tropism is motion in plants whose direction is influenced by the direction of stimulation. The motion of tropism is divided into 2, namely positive tropism motion and negative tropism motion. It is said positive tropism motion when the direction of plant motion close to the source of stimulation, and said negative tropism motion when the direction of the plant movement away from the source of stimulation.

The movement of tropism can occur in all plant organs, ranging from leaves, branches, tendrils, flower buds, to roots. As for the type of stimulus, the motion of tropism is divided into 5 kinds, namely motion phototropism, motion geotropisme, motion hidrotropisme, motion of chemotropism, and motion tigmotropisme.

Motion Phototropism is the motion of plants caused by the influence of light stimulation. Examples of phototropic motion for example, plants placed in the room near the window, branches and stems of the plant will grow toward the light coming in through the window.

Geotropic motion is often called Gravitropism is the motion of plants caused by the influence of earth's gravitational stimuli. Examples of motion geotropism is a root movement that grows vertically toward the center of the earth.

Hydrotropism motion is the motion of plants caused by the influence of water source stimulation. Examples of hydrotropic movements are root tip movements leading to water sources.

Motion of Chemotropism is the motion of plants caused by the influence of certain chemical stimuli. An example of a motion of chemotropism is the movement of the root tip toward a chemical fertilizer.
Tigmotropism motion is often called Haptotropism is the motion of plants caused by the influence of touch stimuli or intersections. Examples of motion tigmotropisme is a twisted motion on the tip of the tendrils of watermelon plants, grapes, beans, melons, pare, betel, and so forth.

2. Motion Nasti

Nasti motion is motion in plants whose direction is not influenced by the direction of the coming stimulus. That is, the direction of motion of plants undergoing nasti motion can occur randomly.

Motion photonasti Graphic naval movement Glitter niktinasti termonasti movement Tigmonasti movement

Based on the stimuli that affect it, the motion of nasti is divided into 5 kinds, namely motion photonasti, niktinasti, tigmonasti, termonasti, and and complex nasti motion.

Photonasti motion is nasti motion caused by the influence of light stimulation. Examples of motion photonasti such as the movement of flowers blossom (Hibiscus rosasinensis) during the day and mengupup at night, and the flower blooming movement at four (Mirabilis jalapa) in the afternoon.

The motion of niktinasti is nasti motion caused by the influence of dark stimulation. Examples of niktinasti motion such as motion on the compound leaves of legumes at night and the movement of flowers wijayakusuma bloom at night. Tigmonasti motion is also called Seismonasti motion is nasti motion caused by the influence of touch stimulation or vibration. Examples of motion of tigmonasti occur in the leaves of the embarrassed daughter and leaves sikejut when touched. 

The motion of thermonate is nasti motion caused by the influence of temperature stimulation. Examples of thermonucleic motion occur in the blooming tulips when the ambient temperature rises and closes when the environmental temperature suddenly falls. The complex nasti motion is the nasti motion caused by the influence of multiple stimuli at once. Examples of complex nasti motion are the opening and closing movements of the stomata. 

3. Taxis motion The movement of the taxis 

is the motion of moving places in plants or parts of plants whose direction is influenced by the coming stimulus. The movement of the taxis is divided into 2, namely phototactic motion and motion kemotaktsis. Phototactic motion is the movement of the taxis influenced by light. For example the movement of plants Euglena toward light. The motion of chemotaxis is the motion of the taxis that is picked up by certain chemicals. For example spermatozoid movement toward the egg cell. Such are the motions of plants and their examples. From the above explanation can be concluded that during this plant also do the motion. The motion in plants is differentiated into endonomic motion and esionomic motion which each has certain characteristics and characteristics. Hopefully useful and easy to understand!

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