General Feature, place to live, method of reproduction, classification, examples, Benefits of Xanthophyta

all about xanthophyta
Algae in the Indonesian term often referred to as ganggang are plants talus because it has no roots , stems and true leaves . Algae are grouped into several classifications according to harol Blood is Cholorophyta ( Green Algae ) , Phaeophyta ( Brown algae) , Rhodopyta ( Red algae) , Chrysophyta ( Gold algae) Bacillariophyta ( diatoms ) , and Pyrrophyta which will be discussed in this paper , namely algae Uniselluler . Here is an explanation of one type of algae that Chrysophyta Division ( Gold algae) , in particular the class Xanthophyta ( Yellow - Green Algae ) concerning the general characteristics , habitat , structure, reproduction , classification and their role in human life 

The algae can live in fresh water and sea water , but others who live in damp places , such as bathroom walls , rocks , roofs , or bark - bark . Algae also have other traits in common with protists , which has a nuclear membrane , there are unicellular and multicellular nothing .
Algae can be shaped yarn , sheets , or cell colonies . Reproduction of algae can be done both sexually and asexually . Sexually done by isogamy and Oogami

a.       General Feature
1. Unicellular and colonize
2. These algae have chlorophyll ( green pigment ) and xantofil ( yellow pigment ) because ituwarnanya chartreuse
3. On the contents of the cells are disc-shaped plastid without pienoid .
4. Generally these algae has no cell wall , but when has a cell wall usually consists of pectin and silica
5. Having a tool motion in the form of two pieces of flagella of unequal length, one section located at the end or the apical and the other part lies in the anterior part .
6. The composition of the body has three forms , namely the form of single cells ( eg Botrydiopsis ) , shaped filament ( eg Tribonema ) and the last one shaped tubular ( eg vaucheria ) .

b.      place to live
Xanthophyta live mostly in freshwater , although some species live in the sea water , trees , and the soil is moist . Generally in all water situation , but especially in cold water . They make up most of the plankton , but there is some form attached .

c.       cell structure
Generally do not have a cell wall , and many also Xanthophyta who have a cell wall , usually composed of pectin and silica . In fact , cell wall composition of protists is still completely unknown , although it is known that cysts in this group will often contain silica on their walls . But not always compsed of two cylindrical sections overlap to fit together , one inside the other bit . show Rapha or gap.

d.      method of reproduction

Xanthophyta reproduce both sexually and asexually example Vaucheria . Sexually namely :
1. Sexually
Generative breeding takes place with a fertilized ovum and spermatozoon . Ovum formed in the oogonia , are being formed in the spermatozoon anteredium , both are on the same thread or homotalus . Zigospora conception results will divide meiosis and produce spores which then detached from the parent and then grow into new algae .
2. Asexual
Vegetative breeding took place with the formation of zoospores gathered in sporangium at the end of the filament . Furthermore, the core inside the sporangium divide meiosis and produce zoospores . The Zoospores multinucleated and have a flagellum that grows on the entire surface . After sporangium cook , zoospores will come out and grow into new

e.       classification
Division : Chrysophyta
Class : Xanthophyceaea
Order: Heterosiphonales
Familia : Heterosiphonaceae
Genus : Vaucheria
Species : sp Vaucheriae

f.       selected examples
An example is Vaucgeria. Vaucheria body shaped yarn, branched but not insulated. Filament 
has a lot of heart and spread the so-called coenocytic. Vaucheria grow attached to the substrate 
by using a tool shaped roots. Secaravegetatif breeding and generative.

Vegetative Propagation Vaucheria took place with the formation of zoospores gathered in sporangium at the end of the filament. Furthermore, the core inside the sporangium divide meiosis and produce zoospores. The Zoospores multinucleated and have a flagellum that grows on the entire surface. After sporangium cook, zoospores will come out and grow into new Vaucheria.

The proliferation of generative Vaucheria underway with a fertilized ovum and spermatozoon. Ovum formed in the oogonia, are being formed in the spermatozoon anteredium, both are on the same thread or homotalus. Zigospora conception results will divide meiosis and produce spores which then detached from the parent and then grow into new algae.

g.      Benefits Xanthophyta For Everyday Life
1. Plankton , especially in the cool ocean , where it is the main primary producers .
2. Filtering , particularly in the sugar fix , aquariums , etc.
3. Toothpaste
4. Cat enhancements to increase reflectivity
5. Isolation , especially in furnaces with temperatures exceeding 1,000 degrees .

h.      Bibliography

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