Classification (Taxonomy), General Characteristics, Order subclass magnoliidae

A. General Characteristics
Subclass subclass Magnoliidae is a variation of unique characteristics. Among the flowers Jewelry is perigonium, some sudaha da
is all of this was dashed two subclass (dicots) there is still a characteristic of the nature of this antiquity can be seen from the morphology or anatomy and is not closely related to the more advanced group of distinguishable between sepals with petal, some already reduced from its interest and has no interest jewelry. When viewed from the primitiveness of this subclass is that the majority is uniaperture, gynoeciumnya apocarpus and centripetal berstamen many in the series.

Another characteristic flowering plants.
In terms of related sciences such as Biochemistry, this subclass described has important elements such substances or aporphine benzylisoquinoline alkaloid, is part of a secondary metabolite in the body's defense function as the plant itself and rarely occurs in other groups. There are several other substances such as substance tanniferous, betalains, iridoid compounds, or mustard oil. But rarely in this Magnoliidae.

Most of the plants have characteristics such as deciduous trees and shrubs while habitusnya, such as the annual tree (perennial), herbs and some annual plants. Some of the Order of the subclass have its own characteristics such as trees, shrubs, and vines that Laurales, Illiciales, and ranunculales and containing herbal is aristolochiales. Nymphaeales classified in water plants. whereas Papaverales only herbs and shrubs soft-wooded. Piperales contains trees, shrubs, and herbs.

B. Classification (Taxonomy)
Subclass Magnoliidae has 8 order that each of them there are about 12,000 species. 
The eighth order is magnoliales, Laurales, piperales, aristolochiales. Illiclales, Nymphales, 
ranunculales, and Papverales.

1. Order magnoliales

michelia campaca

Some characteristic of these plants are:
a. Habitusnya beripa woody shrubs, not accompanied by Stipule, there are some who have 
Stipule great, 
and pertulangan pinnate leaves.
b. Sex is Flowers hermaphrodite or unisexual, aktinomorf, generally with flower decoration can 
be separated between the petals and crown, 
do not get me wrong there are also some species that have no leaves tepal with large scale and 
arranged in a spiral and there is no clear distinction between the petals and crown ,
c. In Stamen found in considerable amounts, and their designations in a spiral extended day regular 
basis of interest. 
Will the same amount of fruit too much. The fruit is fruit type kendaga, no brackets fruit, 
or berry fruit is the fruit of a double flocking disetai types of marginal placenta and apokarp.
d. In seeds there is encountered a lot of endosperm and small-sized institutions, and trees. 
Order of Laurales, piperales, and canellales, magnoliales form a clade magnoliidae and 
used in other branches of trees early evolution of angiosperms.
e. Magnoliales family consists of 5, 154 genera and about 3,000 species. 
Namely his family Annonaceae, Myristicaceae, Magnoliaceae, degeneriaceae, 
Euphorbiaceae, and himantandraceae.

2. Order Laurales
E. zwageri

The second is an order Laurales which has 7 family, with 91 genera, approximately 2,900 
species. Habitus in the form of trees, shrubs, vines or woody type. General location in the 
tropics and warm, 
and very numerous in the stable area humid climate. Lots mamfaat of plants of this order 
as the wood is used for drugs such as camphor extracts, and essential oils for fragrance, 
and some are important ornamental.
Members of Laurales have cirikhas namely woodiness, aromatic odor, and on the leaf 
blade kebatang network. Magnoliales, piperales, and canellales, Laurales form a clade 
magnoliids, used for tree branches early evolution of angiosperms. 
F Laurales group of atherospermataceae, Calycanthaceae, Gomortegaceae, hernandiaceae, 
Lauraceae, monimiaceae, and siparunaceae. Lauraceae and monimiaceae together very  
important part in the evolution of this branch.

3. Order aristolochiales
Wet or woody plants , a single leaf , dispersed without stipules or in the form of a loop plant 
parasit.Perianthium generally petaloid.Ovarium pda generally inferum , 3-6 room with axillary 
placenta or bears  1 with parietal placenta .
1. wet or woody plants , usually shrubs or lianas , there are also cells of oil
2. The single leaves , without stipules lying scattered
3. single flower in the group , lies in the axillary or inf racemosa , bisexualis actinomorphus 
or zigomorphus . Perianthium be calyx 3 lobus.Stamen 6-36 , 
separated or forming a united tube with a stylus . Pistilum 1 ovarian inferum or semiinferum 
, carpellum 4-6 with the same amount of space . Stylus 1 stigma as carpellum
4. Fruit capsule , seeds with a small embryo and endosperm

one example of species 

Kingdom : Plantae
Division : Magnoliophyta
Class : Magnoliopsida
Order: aristolochiales
Family: aristolochiaceae
Genus : Aristolochia
Species : Aristolochia debile Sieb.Et Zucc

4. Order ranunculales
The characteristics of the Order Policarpiace ( ranunculales or Ranales ) consists of 
plants with woody stems . 
The main characteristics of this order is the presence of free fruit leaves on the flower, 
so that from one flower can then form a lot of fruit . 
Nature is what caused the group is named Polycarpicae ( from the Greek , 
poly = many , carpos = fruit ) .

c. Bibliography

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