lab practical report of Introduction to Plant Group

Practicum Date: December 3, 2014

II. Practicum Title: Introduction to Plant Group

III. Interest Practicum:

Students are expected to classify species based on the characteristics and taxonomy.

IV. Basic theory

The study of plant classification is Taxonomy, plant taxonomy further not only the classification and naming, but more to the grouping that says a kinship in the plant world (Nurchayati N, 2010: 9).

Further Mudiana D (2009: 167), explaining that the Cycas is one clan of the tribe Cycadaceae which belongs to the group of plants or plant seeds gymnosperms open. A total of 99 names listed Cycas kind in the world.

Pratiwi MF (2013: 102), "Coconut (Cocos nucifera) is an important crop to meet the needs of human life. This study was conducted to determine the benefits of kelapa.dan plant parts as well as a strategic commodity that has the role of social, cultural and economic life of Indonesian society. This plant is used almost all parts by humans that is considered as a versatile plant, especially for coastal communities ".

V. Tools and Materials

A. Tool1. Stationery writingB. Materials2. Cycas sp, sp allamanda, Cocus nucifera

VI. Ways of working

A. Cycas sp

1. Write the name and classification
2. Draw the general shape and give information about:
· Leaves fruit Kapella
· Seed ovulum
· Cross-section longitudinal seed
· mikrofil· Pockets pollen
· Arkegoneum· nuselus
· Wall seeds or skin that is eksodermis, mesodermis and endodermis

B. Allamanda sp
1. Write the name and classification
2. Draw the general shape and give his statement regarding· 
Node (book) and internodus
· The leaves· Interest (flos)
· The petals (calyx) and some Sepala
· Male genitalia (satamen andresium) consisting of anther and filamentum
3. Draw a diagram of flowers and flower hair formula

C. Cocus nucifera
1. Write the name and classification
2. Draw the general shape and give his statement regarding
· Flower sheath spatha
· Protective interest brakeÃ
· Description of flowers
· Flowers jantang and female flowers
· The petals (calyx) and leaf sheath (Sepala)
· Crown flower (corolla) and petals (petala)
· Adroecum with some parts of the stamens (stamens) and parts consisting of filamentum and antenna
· Binasium with some of pistils (pistilum) with the parts consisting of the stigma (stigma, pistil stalk (stylus)) and ovaries (ovarian) that includes fruit leaves (karpela) and to which there is ovule.
3. Draw a diagram of the male flowers and female flowers and write the formula of interest respectively.
Observation result

VIII. Discussion

The study of plant classification is Taxonomy, plant taxonomy further not only the classification and naming, but more to the grouping that says a kinship in the plant world. Cycas is one clan of the tribe Cycadaceae which belongs to the group of plants or plant seeds gymnosperms open. A total of 99 names listed Cycas kind in the world. Coconut (Cocos nucifera) is an important crop to meet the needs of human life. This study was conducted to determine the benefits of Coconut. and plant parts as well as a strategic commodity that has the role of social, cultural and economic life of Indonesian society. This plant is used almost all parts by humans that is considered as a versatile plant, especially for coastal communities.The sequence starts from kindom plant classification, division, class, order, family genus, species. Hibiscus flowers have a calyx, corolla, pistil, stamen, pistillum. Bamboo has a pointed base, tapered leaves, leaf edges are uneven and single leaf type. Morphology tamarind ie leaf base rounded, rounded leaf tips and leaf edges flat. Ixora puludosa have a flower stalk, stalk stem, pistil, crown, flowers and stamen tube. Musa paradisiaca had a mother leaves, pertulangan leaves, leaf edge, the tip of the leaf, the leaf base. Coctus speciosus has a wet rod, round rods, a single leaf, oblong in shape, tapered, rounded base, pertulangan parallel, flat edge, leaf surface slippery, meat parchment leaves, green leaf color.Cycas sp has karpella, ovulum, longitudinal cross-section seed, mikrofil, pollen pockets, arkeoneum, nusellus, wall seeds. Allamanda sp has nodes, leaves, flowers, calyx, sepalla, satamen andresium. And Cocus nucifera spatha, braktea, calyx, Sepala, corolla, petala, pistilum, stamen, karpela and ovaries.

IX. Conclusion

1. The study of plant classification is Taxonomy.

2. Cycas is one clan of the tribe Cycadaceae which belongs to the group of plants gymnosperms.
3. Coconut (Cocos nucifera) is an important crop to meet the needs of human life.
4. The order of classification of plants starting from kindom, division, class, order, family genus, species.
5. hibiscus flowers have a calyx, corolla, pistil, stamen, pistillum
.6. Bamboo has a pointed base, tapered leaves, leaf edges are uneven and single leaf type.
7. Morphology tamarind ie leaf base rounded, rounded leaf tips and leaf edges flat.
8. Ixora puludosa have a flower stalk, stalk stem, pistil, crown, flowers and stamen tube.
9. Musa paradisiaca had a mother leaves, bone leaves, leaf edge, the tip of the leaf, the leaf base.
10. speciosus Coctus have wet rod, round rods, a single leaf, oblong in shape, tapered, rounded base, bone type is parallel, flat edge, leaf surface slippery, meat parchment leaves, green leaf color.

X. Bibliography

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