PRACTICUM STATEMENTS OF BIOLOGY Photosynthesis and Respiration

PRACTICUM STATEMENTS OF BIOLOGY Photosynthesis and Respiration

Practicum Date: 26 November 2014

II. Title Practicum: Photosynthesis and Respiration

III. Interest Practicum:

1. Understand the process of photosynthesis that occurs in plants.
2. To measure the oxygen used for breathing.
3. Prove that the ongoing process of transpiration in plants.
4. Calculate the amount of water evaporated per unit time.

IV. Basic theory

Photosynthesis is the process of carbohydrate synthesis of organic Bahanan ingredients (CO2 and H2O) in plants pigmented with the help of sunlight energy. Photosynthesis consists of two phases, namely Phase I that took place in grana and produce ATP and NADPH2 sertafase II on stroma and produce carbohydrates (Ai song N, 2012: 29).

Further by Purba E (2012: 7) describes the reaction rate of photosynthesis is the most influential are the temperature and the number of cells, where the higher the temperature the reaction rate will be faster. Likewise for the number of cells in this case is analogous as the amount of catalyst, where the greater amount of the catalyst, the greater the value of the rate of reaction.

Ai song N (2013: 33), "Transpiration is the process of annihilation of water vapor from the surface of the leaf through the stomata, transpiration rate can be reduced by the roots because the roots play an important role when the plants responded to water shortages by reducing transpiration rate to conserve water".Respiration is a biological process, the oxygen is absorbed to be used in the combustion process (oxidative) which generates energy expenditure followed by the combustion of gaseous carbon dioxide and water (Paramita O 2010: 29).

V. Tools and Materials

A. Tool1. The test tube2. The glass beaker3. Funnel glass4. Plastic Buckets5. Wire hook6. Respirometersederhana7. Cotton8. Simple Photometer9. beaker10. Insulation11. Paper cobalt12. the stand13. TweezersB. Materials1. Hydrilla verticillata2. NaHCO33. distilled4. Mung bean sprouts fresh5. Crystal KOH6. The solution eosin7. Water8. Plant

VI. Ways of working

A. Photosynthesis

1. Installed Hidrilla verticillata under the funnel with a test tube. Then enter into the beaker. All done in the water, so there is no bubble in the tube.
2. Linked stalk funnel with a test tube. And then inserted into a beaker. Done in the water, so there is no bubble in the tube.
3. Assembled experimental device as shown, then removed from the bucket with caution (all parts of the trial containing water).
4. Placed in a winnowing sunshine
5. Look for bubbles of gas that comes out of the base of the stem Hydrilla verticillata accommodated by the reaction tube
6. Replaced water in a beaker containing Hydrilla verticillata with water containing 0.5% NaHCO37. established that the gas is O28. Made a report

B. Respiration
1. Prepared respirometer calibrated
2. Put the sprouts that had been weighed into the specimen tube
3. Then sealed with cotton and given KOH and sealed with cotton back
4. Anchored specimen tube with capillary tube
5. Given petroleum jelly at the juncture so that no O2 who come in from outside.
6. Entered eosin solution into the capillary tube by using squit until it reaches a scale of zero.
7. Recorded results in the observation table8. Made a reportC. 

1. Selected plant leaves are still fresh
2. Paper cobalt installed on the leaves so that the shape like in the picture
3. Observed changes in the color of cobalt paper4. Noted the results and create reports.


From the observation process can be seen that photosynthesis is a carbohydrate synthesis of organic ingredients (CO2 and H2O) in plants are pigmented with the help of sunlight energy. Photosynthesis is divided into two phases, namely Phase I that took place in grana and produce ATP and NADPH2 well as phase II which took place in the stroma and produce carbohydrates. While the process penyelapan transpiration of moisture from the surface of the leaf through the stomata, transpiration rate can be reduced by the roots. And respiration is a biological process, the oxygen is absorbed for use in the process Arson attack (oxidative) that produce energy, followed by spending the combustion of gaseous carbon dioxide and water.In experiments conducted respiration occurs in a simple respirometer with cotton insert filled with some crystals KOH wrapped and put into a glass tube respirometer, and included locusts into it and closed the previously coated with vaseline. And a few drops of a solution of eosin at the end of the pipe. It can be seen that movement is performed for 5 minutes to change with speed also different. In the first minute with a distance of 6 cm eosin switching solution and the speed of 0.1 cm3, and the 2nd minute with a distance of 12 cm at a speed of 0.1 cm3, a distance of 16.5 minutes to 3 cm with a speed of 0.091 cm3, as well as on until One final minute to 5 minutes jaranknya up to 24.5 cm with a speed of 0.081 cm3. It can be seen that the longer the time taken by the diminishing speed eosinnya solution.While a second pilot trial with preparatnya namely hydrilla verticillata leaf inserted into the test tube funnel that has been assembled and put into a beaker filled with water with no sunlight with the aim meihat gas bubbles out of the trunk and it turns out that the experiment failed.

IX. Conclusion

From observations it can be concluded that:1. Photosynthesis is the synthesis of carbohydrates from organic ingredients (CO2 and H2O) in plants are pigmented with the help of sunlight energy.2. Photosynthesis is divided into two phases, namely Phase I that took place in grana and produce ATP and NADPH2 well as phase II which took place in the stroma and produce carbohydrates3. While the process of releasing transpiration of moisture from the surface of the leaf through the stomata.4. Respiration is the biological process, the oxygen is absorbed for use in the process Arson attack (oxidative) that produce energy, followed by spending the combustion of gaseous carbon dioxide and water.5.The reaction of photosynthesis is 6CO2 + 6H2O C6H12O6 + 6O26.Respiration reaction is: C6H12O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H2O + 38ATP7. In the experiment respiration used preparation grasshopper (loqusta Migratoria), whereas in trial preparation plant photosynthesis used hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata)8. In the experiment of respiration can be concluded that the longer the time, the more reduced the pace of eosin solution9. In photosynthesis experiment failed, and transportation experiment was not done.10. photosynthesis experiments the influence of sunlight affects the formation of gas bubbles.

X. Bibliography


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