Practical lab report on the introduction of the ecosystem

Practical lab report on the introduction of the ecosystem

I. Practicum Date: December 3, 2014

II. Practicum Title: Introduction to Ecosystem

III. Interest Practicum:

Understanding the components making up an ecosystem and the linkages and dependencies between components to one another.

IV. Basic theory

Ecosystem is a central concept in ecology, ecological system formed by the interrelationships between the living andenvironment. Therefore, the ecosystem is a unit arrangementintact thoroughly between environment elements that influence each other (P Ribery, 2012: 128).Further by Sutomo (2009: 46) describes an ecosystem will usually develop from the start simple organizational level (eg, a few dominant species) to the more complex community (many interdependent species) for generations.Ibn Y (2009: 24), "The exploitation of mangrove forest ecosystems conducted so far, has caused damage that has reduced ability to exercise their functions and its biological ecology. Therefore, to preserve the mangrove ecosystem and maintain the ecological functions and biological ".

V. Tools and Materials

A. Tool1. 
Stationery writing
2. quadratic

VI. Ways of working

1. Observe and determine habitat that is around labolatorium
2. Determine the position of the components of an ecosystem, namely as a producer; consumer I, II, III, and so on: decomposers and components abiotiknya.
3. Report of activities you

VII. Observation 

resultEcosystem is a central concept in ecology, ecological system formed by the interrelationships between the living and the environment. describes an ecosystem will usually develop from the start simple organizational level (eg, a few dominant species) to the more complex community (many interdependent species) for generations.Food web is a collection of food chains in an ecosystem. Chain-food chain is a collection makannan in an ecosystem, there are producers, consumers and decomposers.Symbiotic mutualism is a reciprocal relationship of mutual benefit between the two organisms, such as ants with aphids. Simbiolisme komensalisme a reciprocal relationship without much effect between the two parties. Paratisme Symbiosis is the relationship two organisms that only benefit one party tapeworm life example.The level of life from the smallest to the largest begins from the cells, tissues, organs, individuals,

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