Types of Rain, Definition, and Pictures

Types of Rain, Definition, and Pictures

Rain is a natural phenomenon that causes the descent of water from the sky to the surface of the earth. The occurrence of rain caused by abiotic factors in the sphere of lithosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere interact in the water cycle or hydrological cycle. Based on several parameters, the rain itself can be classified into several types. In this article, we will discuss the types of rain are complete with illustrations and explanations. Please be listened!

Types of Rain

Rain can be classified based on 3 things, namely based on the process of occurrence, based on the size of the water grains, and based on the amount of rainfall. Complete rain types based on 3 parameters are described as follows:

Types of Rain

a. Type of Rain Type Based on the occurrence

Based on the process of occurrence, the rain is grouped into 8 types, namely:

1. Cyclonal rain

Cyclonal rain is the rain that occurs due to rising hot air from the surface of the earth accompanied by winds that swirl at a certain point. Types of cyclone rain usually only occur in the area around the equator. Identical features of this rain we can see with a dark clouds of sudden concentration and produce a very heavy rain of rain.

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Type of Rain Type Based on the occurrence

2. Senithal Rain

Senryal rain (zenithal) is a rain caused by a meeting of southeast winds and eastern eastern breeze. This type of rain also generally only happens around the equator. The hot air of the two winds rises into the atmosphere and causes the temperature around the clouds to slowly rise. This temperature drop, there was a condensation that gradually caused the cloud to reach its saturation point. It was at this point that the rain of senithal then descended into the earth.

3. Orographic Rain

Orographic rain is the rain that occurs due to the movement of the cloud towards the horizontal wind. Winds carry clouds reaching a mountainous area and are condensed by the cold temperatures that surround it. Condensation gradually makes the cloud reach its saturation point so it creates rain. 

4. Frontal Rain

Frontal rain is a rainfall caused by a meeting of cold air masses with hot air masses. The two air encounters took place at a place called "front field". This meeting resulted in a period of cold air under and stimulated the occurrence of rain around the front of the front.

Type of Rain Type and Picture

5. Rain of Muson

The monsoon rain is the rain caused by the influence of monsoon winds. The monsoon itself is due to the influence of the annual solar motion of the sun to the equator of the earth. In Indonesia, this type of rain occurs between October and April, while in East Asia occurs between May and August. Because of the wind cycle and monsoon rains we know the existence of the rainy season and the dry season.

6. Artificial Rain

Artificial rain is the rain that occurs due to human intervention in manipulating the physical state of the local atmosphere, precisely by utilizing the process of growth and incorporation in the formation of clouds (ice nucleation). Among other types of rain, artificial rain is what usually produces only a small amount of rainfall.

b. Types of Rain Type by Particle

Based on the type and size of the particles, the rain is divided into 5 types. Type of rain types include:
Drizzle Rain is rain that drops particles of water with granules diameter <0.5 mm.
Heavy rain is rain that drops particles of water with granules of> 7.0 mm in diameter.
Snowfall is rain that drops ice crystals with temperatures below 0 Celsius.
Ice Rain is a rain that drops ice bigger than snow. The phenomenon of hail is very rare
Acid rain is rain that drops water particles with high acidity. usually this rainwater contains NO3 or H2S compounds.

c. Types of Rainfall Based on Brain

BMKG or Meteorological and Geophysical Agency classify the rain based on how much bulk or the amount of water received by the earth's surface in a period of rain. This grouping produces a type of rainfall that includes moderate rain (20 to 50 mm / day), dense (50 to 100 mm / day), and very heavy rain (> 100 mm / day).

Well, that is the classification type of rain type based on 3 parameters, that is based on the process of occurrence, type of particle, and the amount of water received by the earth's surface (rainfall). Hopefully this exposure can add to your understanding of hydrological cycle learning. Regards.

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