Complete reptile class feature. Classification, breeding, characteristic

Complete reptile class feature. Classification, breeding

1. Definitions

The word reptilian comes from the word reptum which means reptile. Reptiles are the first group of land animals to breathe life in the lungs. A common feature of this class that distinguishes it from other classes is that its entire body is covered by dry skin and scales (Siller, 2009: 256).

Reptiles have dry skin, covered by epidermal scales. The skull from the reptilian itself is slightly depressed to the lateral, vertebrae (split vertebrae) divided into servicalis, thoracic (chest), lumbar, sacral and caudal (tail). The fingers are equipped with sharp claws. Some of these keals have a 2 heart pulmo as well as two chambers, internal verticalization. There are two pairs of eksterminitas namely anterior and posterior eksterminitas. These are some of the characteristics of the reptile class. The reptilian is referred to in vertebrate tetrapods in general, but some of them have reduced or completely lost their legs. Reptiles without limb reduction generally have five fingers (Glaw, 2004: 37)

The reptile class is divided into 4 orders: Rhycocephalia (eg tutara), Chelonia (eg turtles), Squamata (serpenthes), and Crocodila (crocodiles) (Brotowijoyo, 2006: 88).

2. Characteristics

In addition to some of the above characteristics I will describe other features possessed by reptiles, including:
1. Squama that covers the body of reptiles made of horn substances, this is different from the squama owned by pisces.
2. Cranium articulates with vertebrae with one occipital caudilus
3. In general these animals are cold-blooded (body temperature is influenced by the environment).
4. The order of chelonia is the only one who aspires to cloaca and squamic order squam with pulmo with farink walls of many blood vessels.
5. It is the first living terrestrial animal to breathe with pulmo if we see from other subphylum vertebrates.
6. There is a palate (ceiling of the mouth) in both cvum oris and naso cavum.
7. Pentadactyla limb (has five fingers on each eksterminitas) # if there is.
8. Have 5 zones of vertebral columna that is sevikalis, sacralis, thoracic, caudalis, abdominalis.
9. Ren metaneprus, cast there 3 septa (2 arteries and 1 chamber)
10. Have 12 pairs of nerves, have 19 orders and 4 of them are still alive today.

3. Breeding

It has an embryonic membrane (amonion) that covers the egg. Proliferation without going through larvae for example in hatchlings as lizard as mature, just pekembangan high width that exist in body size. This more advanced breeding can be seen there are two special traits, first having eggshells and squam on qpidermal (body scales).

4. Classification

There are four orders that are still alive today: the order of testudinata (chelonia) for example the nation of turtle turtle, squamata order for example lepidosauria, crocodile order crocodile example, and last order Rhyncocepalia.

1. Order of testudinata

For example a turtle, a typical turtle turtle has chelon (shell). Another characteristic is a modified skeleton into a carapace, a toothless jaw but has a wide body horn, anus in the form of a transverse calh, an outer layer of skin removed from a piece of strip (lanula). Based on the habitat there are living on land, sea water, freshwater). Theca is divided into carapax and plastron, both connected with the bridge, but only on the anterior and posterior in each bridge it is notched (grooved). Anterior notch (axial) where the limb protrudes) the posterior notch (languinal) of the back legs, Thaca itself has two layers of horn and bone. According to the testudinata neck folds are divided into two subordo yaiitu:
- Subordo crytodira: which has a neck like the letter F
- Subordo pleurodira which includes the lateral neck when viewed on the horizontal plane

The tortoise consists of karapax and plastron. In the plastron there is the humeral (the front of the forefoot), the pectoral (chest plate), the abdominal, the femoral, the anal, In karapak there are parts nuktial, costal, neutral, marginal and pigial.

2. Order of squamata (lepidosauria)

Examples of this order include lizards (Hemidactylus turcicus), geckos (Geceo geceo), lizards (Mabouya sp). Body part tertutuo by flexible small scales, do not have abdominal ribs. It is tetrapod (4 legged) except ophidia. Has 2 subordo that is:

- Subordo sauria: with distinguishable body features to the body, limbs and tail, having eyelids that can be moved, short and thick tongue, with a pair of holes telonga. Congoh lizard, gecko lizard.

- Subordo ophidia: for example is the serpent the eyelids can not be moved and form a bright, And do not have ear holes. In addition to the snake he has a 3-part body that is the head, body, and tail. The head shield covers all head surfaces until dorsal, ventral and caudal. The scales on the dorsal bodies are arranged in da covering the entire surface of the lateral dorso. Crocodile Order Crocodile. It has a very thick squat feature and is made of chitin plus it is reinforced with a tbal plate called skuta (protector). The scales of this crocodile will be sampled one by one not together, caudalnya thick muscular, anterior pentadactyla exterminities, posterior exterior of tetradactyla partially have a swimming membrane. The anterior nares at the end of the restrum allow breathing in the water (so if we see it while diving in the water it appears only the nose). Has cast 4 spaces between ventrical sinister with ventrical dexter there is pore pore. One of his species is Crocodylus porusus.

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