The process of ooginesis is the stage where the female ovum has grown and progressed from germ cells to germ cells. A perfect ovary will have cell cells that are almost similar to promordial cells in the testes. This promordial cell cell will produce an egg.
There are several stages experienced by the process in this ooginesis process from mutification to maturation process (perfect).
Crocodile and us is examples of animals that oogenesis

1. multiplication phase

In the mitotic stages of this cell cell is divided into several sapling cells on the end result (promordial germ cells). Oogonium will divide this cell cell into several times by the process of mitosis so that the end result will be a large cell and better known as primary oocyte.
The oocyte cells of this promer will not undergo division or growth anymore. At a later stage he will experience some growth.

2 stages of growth

This phase or stage is a complicated and difficult stage of sperm formation (spermatoginesis). Before entering the growth stage the size of the primary ooginesite cell is about 50 microns and after entering and the stage of the growth stage will increase its diameter diameter to 2,000 microns.

In the growth process will occur the addition of foods such as fat, carbohydrates and proteins so that in addition to yellowish color also increased in diameter size. If we observe the example of this process in real life, ie on eggs, either chicken eggs or other. There will be a yellow color of the egg that is more conding lying down towards the egg. And above it will be filled by egg whites which contain protein and cytoplasm. It should be known even though it appears to coalesce eggs with cell nuclei, cached so it is with the term animal pole.

In the cytoplasm it is structured like a plain cytoplasm as it encounters DNA, ENZIM, RNA. And other material, besides matei there is also organel seoerti mitochondria that will be used to menghasiilkan energy. Golgi and ribosome bodies in large numbers. Which will be used by the cell. There are some animals that have different location where mitochondria, amperti amperti, mitochondria will accumulate in certain parts so it will look like a lump. There are also some genes present in nukelus that require activities to synthesize RNA to increase the number, so it will be known as redundancy.

As the size of the cell increases, the nucleus will also increase in diameter, this increases the amount of nukeoplasma that increases due to increased synthesis of ribosomal activity. At this stage in some of the chromosomal amphibians change shape and become a giant lampbrush chromosome.

3 Phase of maturation

The maturation phase is the last process of the ooginesis stage, the maturation phase of the oocyte cell will undergo division again (reduction division / meosis). In this phase the oocyte cell will divide by meosis and the result of his forehead into an ovum (egg). There are several differences from cleavage of speratogenesis and primary oocyte. One is the end result, the end result of the primary oocyte produces a large haploid cell, and spermatogenesis will have 4 sperm cells. The three remaining cells of the oocyte will form three small polar bodies. In the formation of egg cells we can see the unequal distribution of the results will be in the food needs, the food will be much stored and used for developing embryo.

At the beginning of the maturation stage (meosis 1) will occur chromosim translation to half. The homologous chromosomes will be cross-linked with other chromosomes. The fused membrane will break so that the chromosomes of the chromosomes will move and head toward the opposite pole, then will be followed by a split cytoplasm.

The final stage of the maturation phase is cytokinesis. This process will form a large secondary oocyte (ootid) coupled with a small polar body. During final maturation (meiosis II) secondary oocytes haploid also polar body undergoes mitotic division.

The polar body will be divided into two, and a secondary oocyte will form a mature egg and a second polar body. Thus the final result of the second maturation is the formation of large eggs and three polar bodies. The polar body will rupture and degenerate in order for the egg to be used for fertilization.

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