6 Factors Affecting Enzyme Work and Its Influence Curve

6 Factors Affecting Enzyme Work and Its Influence Curve

Based on the properties of the protein it possesses, the action of the enzyme is influenced by 4 factors. The four factors that affect the work of the enzyme include temperature or temperature, pH (acidity degree), enzyme and substrate concentration, and the influence of inhibitors. The full effect of the four factors along with the graph is explained as follows.
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Factors Affecting Enzyme Work

1. Effect of Temperature

Factors Affecting Enzyme Work
Because enzymes are substances composed of proteins, then the enzyme also has thermolabil properties or properties easily damaged by the influence of temperature. Therefore, temperature or temperature are among the factors that affect the action of the enzyme. Temperatures are too high to make enzymes protein denaturation or damage, while temperatures that are too low will make the enzyme work reactions hampered.

Each enzyme has a different optimum temperature. However, the average enzyme can work at an optimum temperature between 30 to 40 degrees Celsius.
Generally the enzyme will not show the reaction if the temperature around it drops to 0 degrees Celsius. However, at this temperature the enzyme will not be damaged. It will work and be active again if the temperature has been normalized. New enzymes will be damaged if affected by high temperature. Enzymes are damaged when the ambient temperature reaches 60 degrees Celsius. Simply put, the effect of temperature on enzyme work can be seen in the picture or graph below!
Also Read: Kinds of Kinds of Enzymes and Their Functions

2. Effect of pH

Factors Affecting Enzyme Work
In addition to temperature, pH also includes one of the factors that affect the action of the enzyme. Changing the pH in the environment around the enzyme will make changes in key amino acids on the active side of the enzyme. This makes the active side of the blocked enzyme to be able to join the substrate. The optimum pH required for each enzyme has a different range, depending on the type of enzyme. Simply put, the graph of the effect of pH on the rate of enzyme reaction can be seen in the picture on the side.

3. Influence of Substrate Concentration and Enzyme

Factors Affecting Enzyme Work
The enzyme action reaction can be optimum if the ratio between substrate concentration and enzyme is in equal quantity. When the number of enzymes is less than the number of substrates, then the reaction will only run slowly so there are some substrate that is not catalyzed. Meanwhile, when the number of enzymes more than the number of substrate, then the reaction will run very fast.

Simply put, the effect of concentration as a factor affecting the action of enzymes can be seen in the graph below.

4. Influence of Inhibitor

The rate of enzyme reaction as a biocatalisator of a substrate is also influenced by the inhibitor or inhibitor. When the inhibitor is added or appears in the reaction environment, the enzyme's working speed decreases. The workings of these inhibitors are to form complex bonds of enzymes that are still unable or unable to react with the substrate.

In general, there are 2 types of inhibitors in the factors that affect the action of the enzyme. Both are competitive inhibitors and non-competitive inhibitors.

A. A competitive inhibitor

A competitive inhibitor is an inhibitor that has a structure similar to a substrate. Therefore, between the inhibitor and the substrate will compete with each other in bonding and joining the active side of the enzyme. If the inhibitor first bonds, the substrate will not catalyze, as well as vice versa. For more details, note the illustrative picture of the inhibitory mechanism by the competitive inhibitor in the figure below.

B. Non competitive inhibitor

A non-competitive inhibitor is an inhibitor that, when it has bonded to an enzyme member, is capable of altering the enzyme's active side to be incompatible with the substrate structure. For more details, note the illustrative picture of the inhibitory mechanism by the non-competitive inhibitors in the above figure.

Well, so explanation of the 4 factors that affect the work of the enzyme complete with explanations and graphs. Hopefully it can be useful and add to your richness of insight in the sub-chapter of metabolism in this biology lesson. Please continue your discussion by reading the next article which is about how the enzyme works according to the lock and key theory. Regards.

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