6 ways how plants protect themselves

6 ways how plants protect themselves

Like animals, plants also protect themselves from their predators so that their survival and generation will not be disturbed. Self-protection is done by plants is different from the way of self-protection made by animals. The way plants protect themselves is adapted to the parts and properties of the plant itself. Here in this article we will explain the ways and the body part that is used complete with the example.

How Plants Protect Yourself

How plants protect themselves can be done by using parts of his body, starting with thorns, feathers or hair, poison, sap, and through the scent.

1. Plants that protect themselves with thorns

Some plants do self-protection by using thorns on their body. This protection is effective enough to prevent herself preyed by plant-eating animals. With the thorns, the animal that was about to eat the parts of the plant's body will be disturbed by being pierced by a sharp thorn. Some examples of plants that protect themselves with these organs such as roses, salak, durian, daughter shame, reeds when young, cactus, and so forth.

2. Plants that protect themselves with fur or hair

In addition to thorns, some plants also do self-protection by using fur or hair. Some of them produce hair or hair that produce itching in the skin of its predators. Examples of plants that do protective ways to use fur such as bamboo. The bamboo stem serves to protect the shoots on the segment. This midrib is equipped with feathers that can cause itching so that the buds can be protected. Some examples of plants that protect themselves with fur or other hair is the rosewood.
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3. Plants that protect themselves with toxins

Certain plants protect themselves from their predators by exploiting toxins. The way plants protect themselves with toxins is applied by some tubers such as cassava rubber and gadung. In addition, amethyst plants, distances, and tree upas also apply this way to prevent themselves eaten by plant-eating animals.

4. Plants that protect themselves with sap

In addition to functioning as a medium of transport of nutrients and photosynths in the transport vessels, sap also turned out to function as a medium of self-protection in plants. The way plants protect themselves using sap is applied by jackfruit and rubber plants.

5. Plants that protect themselves with aroma

Some plants also exist that protect themselves by removing certain aromas. For example a carcass flower that deliberately remove the scent of carrion to avoid other animals eat it.

6. Plants that protect themselves with hard shells

Some plants have seeds equipped with hard shells. Call it the fruit of coconut, oil palm, salak, mahogany seeds, and so forth. The shell also serves to protect itself so as not to be eaten by the plant-eating animals or plants, so that it can germinate and can continue its life.

Well, that's how some plants protect themselves and the plant samples in question. Hopefully can be easily understood and can help your difficulties. Do any of you mention any other plant examples that can protect themselves with these tools? Please write your answer in the comments field.

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