Definiiton Nutrition. types of vitamins, minerals, water and its functions

A.     Definition Nutrition

The word comes from the Egyptian nutrient that is Nutrion meaning in english nutrition means. Nutrition can dimakanai as well as a substance in the form of food which when inserted in the body to sustain life. But if we interpret in a broad sense. Nutrition was not only a source of food, it could be how to get your body to stay healthy. According Sediaoetama, 1997 (in Santoso, 2004), nutrition or food is a basic ingredient of food preparation that has the function of energy or energy sources, support the growth of the body, maintain and replace tissues of the body, regulates metabolism and plays a role in the body's defense mechanisms.

B.     General Functions Nutrient Substance  :

Used as a source of energy or power for the individual's body
As the growth and development of the body
Maintaining the tissues of the body, replacing damaged cells
Coordinate the balance of the body to keep the road, such as metabolism, acid in the body, and fluid balance.
 Participate in the body's defense mechanism against disease as antibodies and antitoxin.

C.    Types of Nutritional Substances

Understanding Nutrition. types of vitamins, minerals, water and its functions

1.       VITAMIN

a.        definition Vitamin

Vitamins are mokeluk that are needed by the body that serves to metabolism and the development of the body, vitamin itself very little is produced in the body. Therefore we need a food source that can meet the needs of a person bitamin.
There are several sources of vitamin division. If from the point of synthesis for the body , namely:

a.        vitamin that can be made by the body to convert it from other organic bond.
b.       Organic bonds which are not vitamins, having consumed is converted into vitamin called provitamin and vitamin precursors.
c.        Provitamin that is for example vitamin A with precursor carotene, the precursor tryptophane niacin, vitamin D precursor dehydro cholesterol.

b.       General Function of Vitamin

Vitamin plays a role in the regulation of biochemical processes, maintenance of the body, in some stages of metabolism and growth.

c.        The types of vitamins

1.       Vitamins are water soluble

a.        Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a derivate of hexane are fitted with carbo because ascorbic acid is easily oxidized (penggabunngan substance with oxygen) becomes an easy dehidroaskorbat also reduced to asm ascorbate. Vitamin C was not much missing to excess because of the nature of their own vitamin C is water soluble and can be easily damaged by oksdasi, heat and alkali, so that vitamin C is not much missing, vitamin C is used as a reducing agent, can also lower cholesterol and bone growth and tooth.

b.       vitamin B
In many respects especially in terms of health and nutrition , vitamin B , also known as vitamin B complex that covers thiamine (vitamin B 1 ), riboflavin (vitamin B 2 ), niacin (nicotinic acid, niasinamida), pyridoxine (vitamin B 6 ), acid pantothenate, biotin, folasin (folic acid and active derivative), and vitamin B 12 (cyanocobalamin.). functions as a coenzyme of vitamin B that helps enzymes to release energy from carbohydrates fats and proteins.

2.       Vitamins insoluble in water (soluble in fats)

a.        vitamin A

Vitamin A is usually in heat keaddan he will be normal , unfortunately he will readily oxidized and easily damaged by high temperatures terlal, that will cause a rancid odor . Vitamin A is generally green and red because it contains a pigment in addition to chlorophyll . Vitamin A is used to maintain the epithelium, then also used as vision and metabolism.

b.       vitamin D

Namely calciferol which serves as a prohormone transport of calcium into the cell, the formation and maintenance of bones. For the absorption of vitamin D are both needed their bile salts.

c.        vitamin E

Vitamin is present in some form that all can be synthesized with fat , including alpha, beta, gamma and delta tocopherols, all have been able biosynthesized. The fourth of them prevent and eliminate rancidity in oils and fats . The function of vitamin E is as a cellular antioxidant, selenium metabolism and fertility.

d.       vitamin K

V itamin K synthesized and isolated from the liver of fish ytelah canker vitamin is produced from bacteria found in bladder and liver . Functions Vitamin K plays a role in the formation of protombin that is required in blood clotting.

d.       Source -source Vitamin

·          Sources of Vitamin A
Vegetables and fruits are green or yellow usually banyk contain carotene. Carrots, sweet potatoes and pumpkin are rich in carotene
·          Sources of Vitamin B
Vegetables and grains
·          Sources of Vitamin C
Sources of vitamin C largely derived from vegetables and fruits, especially fresh fruits.
·          Source of Vitamin D
Sources of vitamin D are: fish oil, butter, milk, egg yolks, yeast and a little banana.
·          Sources of Vitamin E
Sources of vitamin E are: wheat germ oil / corn, vegetables, liver, eggs, butter, milk, meat and especially bean sprouts.
·          Sources of Vitamin K
Sources of vitamin K found in: liver, spinach, cabbage, cauliflower, milk, egg yolks and soya oil.

2.       MINERALS

Understanding Nutrition. types of vitamins, minerals, water and its functions
Minerals are needed in the body in small amounts around 4%, but even so it was very influential to balance a person's health. There are two major groups of minerals (element, element), body's need for minerals and Trace Minerals can not be ignored. Both of these elements are used for the catalyst and the balance of the body Other critical minerals.

Based on the numbers, the mineral is divided into three:

1.       Macro elements, present in relatively large amounts are potassium (K), sodium (Na), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and Phosfor (P), sulfur (S) and chlorium (Cl)

2.       Micro elements, present in relatively small amounts. According to its usefulness in the body dikelopokkan on:

-                 Micro essential element, which is really dibutuhkah the human body and must exist, namely: Ferrum (Fe), Cuprum (Cu), Cobalt (Co), Selenium (Se).
-                 Micro elements may be essential as Molybdenium (Mo)
-                 Mukro elements that are not needed, or non-essential.

3.       Trece elements, is already included micro group elements but needed in smaller quantities, namely CO, Cu, and Zn.

Mineral Resources:

·          Zinc
Zinc is used for balance, immunity and protein synthesis. These food sources are: yeast, nuts, grains, pumpkin seeds, mushrooms and others.

·          Fish
Some types of fish, such as gindara have a very low fat content. Other fish such as salmon and tuna has a fat content which is quite a lot, but do not worry because the fat contained in it is a good fats Omega 3.

·          Whole Milk
Protein is present in milk quality is still pure and not mixed with other substances so it is great for the body of a person, even in small amounts found in plant or animal

·          Soybeans
Soybeans are low in fat there is the content of phytochemicals such as isoflavones and saponins phytc acid. The content of both to reduce the potential for heart disease, osteoporosis and cancer. Soy contains 29 grams of protein per cup.

·          Know
Tofu is rich in nutrients much protein and other substances can be consumed in various ways, can be made creations as salads or other foods so that you will not be bored.

·          Tempe
Foodstuffs of fermented soy is quite tasty and delicious. Rich in vegetable protein, and can be processed into any meals.

·          Yogurt
Consuming yogurt each day can make us healthy gut and digestion can be smoothly. Because there are certain substances.

·          Almonds
This savory bean low in carbohydrates, high in calcium and protein. In addition, almonds also contain natural fibers, can be consumed raw or ingredients in other food flavor enhancer.

Mineral Functions:

·          Mineral macro-element group to function as part of an active substance in metabolism or as an essential part of the structure of the tissue cells.
·          Mineral groups of micro-elements associated with the function of the enzyme, iodine is part of the structure of a hormone.
·          As the main kompenen body (structural element) or constituent skeleton bones, teeth and muscles. Ca, P, Mg, and Si Fl for the establishment and growth of the teeth are P and schools for the preparation of tissue proteins.
·          An element in body fluids or tissues, as an electrolyte that regulates the pressure osmuse (Fluid balance), menegatur acid-base balance and membrane permeability. Examples are the Na, K, Cl, Ca and Mg
·          As an activator or related role of an enzyme and hormone.

3.       Water

Understanding Nutrition. types of vitamins, minerals, water and its functions
Water is an element indispensable esensisal ileh body, especially the metabolism of the body. Water in the body of an adult, there are about 60% of their body weight (± 47 liters). Water in human tubhu obtained through 2 types of incredible pass called exogenous ie by drinking water. And endogenous , which means the water obtained from within the body itself comes from the oxidation of various nutrients in the body.
water function

1.       As the material which can disperse a variety of polar compounds present in the foodstuff.

2.       As a solvent of polar compounds.

3.       Participate in the process of metabolism of nutrients (eg in glycolysis and Glycogenolysis)

4.       As the transportation of nutrients (eg, blood contains 90% -95% water)

5.       As a lubricating joints

6.       Maintain body temperature stability

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