method of cooperative learning Student Team Achievement Division (STAD)

Student Team Achievement Division (STAD)

A.  Definition STAD Cooperative Learning

learning methods stad

Well this time I will upload about learning STAD there are actually some type of learning that I know that I will upload at a later time

Cooperative learning Student Team Achievement Division abbreviated (STAD) is created Robert Slavin and his friends at the John Hopkin University (in Slavin, 1995) is a type of learning that is most widely used leh teacher because this pembelajran simple. Students are placed in a particular group are different levels of IQ and his race hereinafter hereinafter teacher gave the material to the students who are in the group and each group completed the task given  Finally, all students are subject to a quiz on the material in the record, when the quiz they can not help each other.
STAD Cooperative Learning Model is focused on the type of cooperative learning that emphasizes the interaction patterns of students in the group so that learning is effective . Tasks Teachers who use STAD propose new academic information to students every week using Verbal presentations or text.

According to Slavin (in Noornia, 1997: 21) there are five main components in cooperative learning STAD method, namely:

a. presentation Class
Here the task of the teacher is the teacher of the material presented in the classical style with the use of presentation. The presentation focused on the material to be covered. After the presentation of the material, students work in groups to finish with a discussion among themselves

b. Creating a group for students
group is a priority because it is expected the formation of a group to forge partnerships to achieve the expected academic ability . The function specifically for the formation of this group again for preparation for each individual in the group before facing a test. Group formed academic quality should be balanced. Example 1 champion students grouped 1 and followed by the last champion and the champion of the middle so spread out evenly maps in each group. Teachers need to consider to avoid conflicts between members of the  group, although this does not mean students can determine their own group of their friends.

c. Tests and Quizzes
Students are given individual tests after making a presentation or discussion groups of goods as much as 1 or 2 times which further contributed the results of that test scores or pointnya in the group he is.

d. Scores of individual improvement
score and the points obtained from the individual test results are useful for fishing and motivates them to learn better for the future and expect better than before . Scores are calculated based on the scores of individual increase in basic and test scores. Basic score can be taken from the most recent test scores of the students, grades pre-test conducted by previous teachers implement cooperative learning STAD method.

e. acknowledgment group
each of the properties in humans it feel to be recognized than others, this is the nature of the function. Group recognition is given to groups that achieve perfect results for the efforts that have been achieved . Groups can be given a certificate or other form of recognition if it can reach the criteria established jointly. This award depends on the creativity of teachers.

B. Phase Learning Implementation Model STAD.

Maidiyah declared (1998: 7-13) steps STAD cooperative learning methods are as follows:

a. preparation STAD

1) Preparation Material
STAD method of cooperative learning materials neatly arranged so that the learning process can berjaran as expected then created an activity sheet (sheet discussion) will be studied cooperative groups and answer sheets of the activity sheet.

2) Assign students in the group
The group of students is a form of a heterogeneous group. Each group of 4-5 students consisting of students who are capable of high, medium and low. Where possible should also be considered the background, race and tribe. Teachers should not let students choose their own group because it will tend to choose friends who liked it. As a guideline in determining the group can follow the following instructions (Maidiyah, 1998: 7-8):

a) rank students
Rank students based on academic learning outcomes in the classroom. Use of information that can be used to perform these rankings. One of information are the test scores.

b) Determine the number of groups
Each group should be composed of 4-5 students.
To determine how many groups were formed,
divide the number of students with four. If the result of him not unanimous, for example, there are 42 students, meaning there are eight groups of four students and two groups of five students. Thus there are ten groups to be formed.

c) Divide students into groups
In doing this, balance groups were formed consisting of students with low levels of learning outcomes, moderate to high learning results in accordance with the ranking. Thus the average level of learning outcomes of all groups in approximately the same class.

d) Charge sheet summaries group
fill in the names of the students in each group on the summary sheet group (format calculation result for the group cooperative learning STAD method).

3) Determine the Initial Score
Scores initial teacher can take from pre test or the final test score that is owned by the students. Or the teacher can use the report cards to take the initial score.

4) Before starting the cooperation group cooperative learning, it would be nice starting with the given exercise or things disukain students so they can get to know better each other with the group

5) Schedule Activities
STAD consists of five regular teaching activity, namely the delivery of the subject matter by the teacher, teamwork, appreciation test group and grade periodic reports.

b. Teach

Each learning in STAD starting with class presentations, which were preceded by pendahulian and closed by giving a quiz.
In a class presentation, the things that need to be considered are:

1)     Introduction
At this stage the task of teachers give a good introduction the material to be covered or the other so that arouse the curiosity of students. Then I asked the teacher ordered that the students work together with the group so that students can cause a sense of fun.

2) Development
a) The teacher sets goals to be achieved from learning.
b) She stressed that desired is for students to learn and understand the meaning, not rote.
c) Teachers check students' understanding as much as possible by providing the questions.
d) The teacher explains why the answer is correct or incorrect.
e) Master continuing matter if students understand the subject matter.
3) Practice controlled
a) The teacher asks the students taught the questions or the answers to the questions posed by the teacher.
b) The teacher calls on students at random to answer a question or solve the problems posed by the teacher. This will cause the students prepare to answer the question or questions posed.
c) The teacher does not need to provide a long problems or questions on the completion of this activity. Instead students work on one or two questions, and then the teacher gives feedback.

c. Group activity

1) On the first day STAD group activities, the teacher should explain what is meant to work in groups, namely:
a) each student in the group have a great responsibility to the fate of the group and make sure that her friend was working on an assignment sheet given by the teacher.
b) Nobody students finish studying before all members of the group learned the lesson.
c) Ask for help to a friend of the group if the group members have difficulty in understanding the material before asking for help to teachers.
d) In one group should talk to each other politely.

2) Teachers can encourage students to add other rules according to mutual agreement. Further activities of the teachers are:

a) The teacher asks the students flocking to the group of their friends.
b) The teacher gives an activity sheet (sheet discussion) with the answer sheet.
c) The teacher advised students to work in pairs or with the whole group depends on the purpose of studies. If they do the questions, each student must work on his own and then match the answer with a group of their friends. If there is a t Eman who do not understand, friend group of their responsibility to explain.
d) Emphasize that an activity sheet (sheet discussion) to be filled and studied. Thus, each student has the answer sheet to be examined by a group of their friends.  

3) Teachers supervise each group for students working in groups. Occasional teacher approached the group to listen to how members of the discussion group.

d. Quiz or test
After the students work in groups for approximately twice the presentation, the teacher gives a quiz or test individual. Each student receives a quiz sheet. The time provided teachers for the quiz is half to one hour lessons. The results of the quiz was then given a score and will be donated as a group score.

e. Group awards
1) Calculate the scores of individuals and groups
Having conducted a quiz, the teacher calculates scores and scores of individual development groups based on the range of scores obtained by each individual. Score is determined by the score early development of students.
2) Appreciating the results of the study group
After the teacher calculates scores and scores of individual development group, the teacher announced that the group obtained the highest points of the increase. After that the teacher gave the award to the group in the form of a certificate or a form of praise. For this award depends on the creativity of teachers.

f.   Returns a collection of the first quiz
Teachers return the collection of the first quiz to students

C. To the overage and the weakness of STAD Cooperative Learning   

There are two advantages that we can get here, the first short-term benefits and long-term

Long-term benefits that can be drawn from cooperative learning by Nurhadi (2004: 115-116) is as follows:

a. Enhanced awareness and social solidarity.
b. Allow students to learn about the attitudes, skills, information, social behavior, and views.
c. Allows students to make adjustments.
d. Enables formed and the development of social values ​​and commitments.
e. Eliminate selfishness and selfish.
f. Build friendships that can be sustained into adulthood.
g. Various social skills needed to maintain a relationship of mutual need are taught to be practiced.
h. Increasing mutual trust fellow humans.
i. Improving the ability of looking at problems and situations from various perspectives.
j. Increasing the willingness to use other people's ideas are perceived better.
k. Increase penchant friends regardless of ability, gender, ataucacat normal, ethnicity, social class, religion, and orientation tasks.

type of cooperative learning methods Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) 

While the advantages of cooperative learning model STAD method for the short term, according Soewarso (1998: 22) as follows:
a. Cooperative learning model to help students learn the contents of the subject matter being discussed.
b. The presence of other group members who avoid the possibility of the students scored low, because the oral test students assisted by members of the group.
c. Cooperative learning makes students able to learn to argue, learn to listen to the opinions of others, and record things that are beneficial to the interests together.
d. Cooperative learning produces higher student learning achievement adds to their self-esteem and improve relationships with peers.
e. Prizes or awards given will provide encouragement for students to achieve higher yields.
f. Students were slow thinking may help to increase knowledge.
g. The formation of small groups allows teachers to monitor the students to learn to work together

According to Slavin in Hartati (1997: 21) cooperative learning has the following shortcomings:

a. If teachers are not complacent remind students to always use the skills cooperatively in a group then the group dynamics will appear jammed.
b. If the number of groups is not considered, that is less than four, eg three, then a member will tend to withdraw and less active during the discussion and if the group is more than five then chances are there that do not get the job so just ride in the completion of the task.

c. If the chairman of the group can not resolve the conflicts that arise constructively, it will be less effective group work.


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