foundation pesikologi education, developmental psychology, psychology of learning, the development of learners,

foundation pesikologi education

Psychology comes from the Greek word "psyche" which means soul. Logos means knowledge. So psychology etymologically means "study of the soul, both on the symptoms, as well as background process". But understanding between psychiatry and psychology are actually different or not the same (according Gerungan in Khodijah: 2006). Psychology is psychology broadly to include khalayan and speculation about the soul. Psychology is the science of the soul obtained systematically with scientific methods.
According Pidarta (2007: 194) Psychology or psychology is the study of the human soul. The soul is the spirit in a state of physical control, which can be influenced by the surrounding nature. The human soul develops parallel to the physical growth. Education always involves aspects of the human psyche, so that the foundation of psychological education is a cornerstone in the educational process that addresses a range of information about human life in general as well as the symptoms are related to aspects of the human person at every stage of the age of this particular development to recognize and respond to the people according to the stages age of development which aims to facilitate the educational process.

2. 1          Psychological Development 

There are three theories or approaches to development. The approach in question is (Nana Syaodih, 1989).

1.     Approach phasing. Individual development goes through certain stages. At each stage has special characteristics that are different from the characteristics of the other stages.

2.     Approach differential. This approach is seen individuals that have similarities and differences. On this basis then people making groups. Children who have in common into one group. Then there was a group based on gender, intellectual ability, talent, race, socioeconomic status, and so on.

3.     Approach ipsatif. This approach seeks to look at the characteristics of each individual, may be referred to as an individualized approach. Seeing the development of individual people.

Of the three approaches, the most implemented are phasing approach. There are 2 kinds phasing approach that is comprehensive and specific nature. Comprehensive cover all aspects of development as a factor taken into account in drafting stages of development, while the special nature mempertimbang only certain factor as the basis for formulating the stages of child development, such as phasing Piaget, Koglberg, and Erikson.

Psychology of development according to future development of children Rouseau split into four phases:

1.     Infancy of 0-2 years is largely a physical development.
2.     Childhood of 2-12 years who declared the new development as a primitive human life.
3.     Puberty from 12-15 years, marked by the development of the mind and a willingness to adventure.
4.     The period of adolescence from 15-25 years, the growth of prominent sexual, social, conscience, and moral. These teens have started studying cultured.

2. 2          Psychology of Learning 

According Pidarta (2007: 206) learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior as a result of the experience (not the result of the development, the influence of drugs or accident) and can carry it out at the other knowledge and be able to communicate it to others.

Psychologically, learning can be defined as "an attempt by someone to obtain a conscious change in behavior from the interaction with the environment" (Slameto, 1991: 2). This definition implies two meanings. First, that the study is an attempt to achieve a specific goal that is to get a change in behavior. Second, the behavioral changes that occur must consciously.

From the definition above study, the activities and efforts to achieve a change in behavior was seen as a learning process, whereas changes in behavior itself is seen as a learning outcome . This means that learning is essentially related to two things: the  process of learning and learning outcomes.

Psychologists tend to use the patterns of human behavior as a model of the principles of learning. These principles learned hereinafter commonly referred to Learning Theory.
1.     The theory of classical learning, can still be used, among others, to memorize multiplication and training issues (Mental Discipline). Naturalist theory can be used in non-school education, especially the education of a lifetime.

2.     The theory of behaviorism learn helpful in developing real behaviors, such as diligent, score high, do not fight and so on.

3.     The theories of cognition learn useful in studying complex material that requires understanding, to solve problems and to develop ideas (Pidarta, 2007: 218).

2. 3          Social Psychology 

According to Hollander (1981) Social psychology is the psychology of a person's studying psychology in society, which combines the characteristics of psychology to the social sciences to study the influence of society on individuals and between individuals (cited Pidarta, 2007: 219).

Formation of first impressions of others had three main key.

1.     Personality people. Perhaps we have heard of him before or stories similar to it, particularly about his personality.

2.     The behavior of that person. When viewing a person's behavior after the deal, then connect with the stories I've ever heard.
3.     Background situation. Both of the above data is then associated with the situation at that time, then the combination of the three data that will come out first impression about that person.

In education, a positive first impression is raised educator will give the willingness and enthusiasm of children's learning. Motivation is also a social psychological aspect, because without any particular motivation person difficult to socialize in the community. In connection with it, educators have an obligation to explore the motivation of children to appear, so they are happy to learn in school. According to Klinger (cited Pidarta, 2007: 222) the factors that determine the motivation to learn are:

1.     The interests and needs of the individual.
2.     The perception of the difficulty of the tasks.
3.     Expectations of success.

2. 4          Readiness Learning and Individual Aspects 

Readiness to learn in general is the ability to benefit from the experience that he found. Complementary learners or learners as subjects outline can be divided into five groups:

1.     Character, is the innate nature that is almost irreversible. For example, the character of the grumpy, taciturn, aloof, like to talk, and so on.

2.     Ability general (IQ), intelligence is of a general nature. This capability can be used as predictions about the success of someone finishing a job or level of education undertaken.

3. The     special ability or talent, is the ability of certain inborn. This ability generally give direction to one's ideals, especially when talent underserved in education.

4.     Personality, is the appearance of a person in general, such an attitude, the amount of motivation, strong will, tabahnya face barriers, appreciation of others, modesty, tolerance and so on.

5.     Background, is the environment in which terutamam raised a family environment. This neighborhood is very big influence on the mental development of infants and children.

Individual aspects that will be developed is
1.       Spiritual
a.      General: Religion, feelings, wishes, thoughts
b.      Social: Social, love of the homeland
2.       Physical
a.      skills
b.      Health
c.       The beauty of the body

2. 5          Development of Students as a Psychological Basis 

The development is a process of change in humans both physically and mentally from inside the womb until the man died. The process of development in humans occurs because people are maturing and learning over time.

Maturity is the changes that occur in individuals due to their physical and biological growth, for example, a child who grew into adults will experience a change in their physical and mental.

Learners are always in a process of change, both for growth and for development. Growth is mainly due to the influence of internal factors as a result of maturity and the maturing process, whereas development mainly due to environmental influences. As an example of the growth is encouraged to talk for talk organ maturity at the age of 1-2 years, while the use of certain language in speech depends on the environment as a result of developments.

In addition, learning is a continuous process of an experience that will make an individual change from not knowing to knowing (cognitive), than do not want to be like (affective) and of can not be able to (psychomotor), for example, a child who learns riding a bicycle will first be briefed by his parents and the child is trying to ride a bike to be able to.

Maturity and learning process will determine the readiness to learn in person, such as someone who is a good learning process of maturity and will have the readiness to learn much better with someone learning the process of maturity and poor (Tirtarahardja and SL La Sulo, 2005: 108-109).

Nuzulia, Dian. 2015. 18, 2015 .
Anonymous. 18, 2015

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