Growth and development of adolescents, adolescent developmental task

Definition Growth and Development

The word is often coupled with the development of growth and maturity. The trio did have a very close relationship. Growth and development is basically a change, a shift towards higher ketahap or better. There are some differences between the development and growth. More growth with respect to the physical or temporal aspects, while developments to the spiritual and psychological aspects. Growth indicates a change or increase in quantity, namely the increase of size or height, while developments with regard to the quantity is increasing and enhanced functions. It can be concluded that growth with regard to the improvement of the structure   being development with enhanced functions.

Individuals and characteristics .

Talk about adolescent psychology course not separated from adolescent psychological development which can be said to be a phase of development experienced by a person when entering the age of 12-22 years. In the development phase of adolescent psychology , the child should be able to leave the childishness of her.

According to Hurlock (1981) teens are those who are at the age of 12-18 years. Monks, et al (2000) gave an age limit is 12-21 years old adolescents. According to Stanley Hall (in Santrock, 2003) teens were in the range 12-23 years. Based on the limitations provided by experts, can be seen that the onset of adolescence is relatively the same, but the end of adolescence is very varied. In fact there are also known as extended adolescence, and teenagers who shortened. Teenage is a time of problems. This statement was put forward much in the past, namely in the early 20th century by Mr. Stanley Hall Adolescent Psychology. Opinions Stanley Hall at the moment is that adolescence is a time of storm and stress ( storm and stress ) Is still widely cited people.

According to Erickson adolescence is a time of identity crisis or identity search. Erickson idea is corroborated by James Marcia who found that there are four identity status in adolescents that identity diffusion / confussion, moratorium, foreclosure, and identity Achieved (Santrock 2003, Papalia, et al, 2001, Monks, et al, 2000, Muss, 1988 ). Characteristics of adolescents who were proceeding to seek self-identity is also often a problem in the adolescent self.

Physical developmental psychology Teens

Physical development adolescent psychology phase of adolescence is a period of human life is very strategic, important and far-reaching for the next development. In early adolescence , physical growth is very rapid but not proportionately, on the nose, hands, and feet. In late adolescence, the proportion of the body reach the size of an adult's body in all its parts (Syamsu Yusuf: 2005). In connection with the physical development, the development is the most important aspect of this sexuality can be divided into two parts, namely:

-          Characteristics of Sex Primary Developments adolescent male psychology is experiencing rapid growth in testicular organs, vessels that produce sperm and the prostate gland. Maturity organs allows the adolescent male sexuality, around the age of 14-15 years, suffered a "wet dream", get out sperm. In young women, there was rapid growth in the uterus and ovaries organs that produce ova (egg cells) and hormones of pregnancy. The result was a cycle of " menarche " (first menstruation). Early menstrual cycles often accompanied by headache, back pain, fatigue, depression, and irritability.

-          Characteristics of Sex Secondary development of adolescent psychology at secondary sexual maturity is the growth that complements the individual so that it appears as a man or woman. Boys grew feathers on mustache, sideburns, beard, hands, feet, armpits, and genitals. In the men have grown Adam's apple and the sound turns into a raucous young men and low. Skin turns rough. In young women also grew feathers are more limited, namely in the armpits and genitals. Growth also occurred in the glands that will produce milk in the breast, as well as the growth of the hip so that it becomes an adult woman proportionally.

Growth and development of adolescents, adolescent developmental task

Adolescent Psychology Cognitive Development
Brain growth achieved perfection at the age of 12-20 yrs functional, cognitive development (thinking skills) teens can be described as follows
a.        Intellectually adolescents begin to think logically about abstract ideas
b.       Functioning of high-level cognitive activities that make the plans, strategies, make decisions, and solve problems
c.        Already able to use abstractions, to distinguish the concrete to the abstract
d.       The emergence of scientific reasoning ability, study tested the hypothesis
e.        Thinking about the future, planning, and explore alternatives to achieve adolescent psychology
f.        Began to realize the process of thinking efficiently and learn berinstropeksi
g.       Insights berfikirnya expanding, can include religion, justice, morality, and identity (identity)

i.      Developments Emotions Adolescent Psychology

Adolescents experiencing the peak emosionalitasnya, a high level of emotional development. Emotional development early teens showed a sensitive nature, reactive strong, negative emotions and temper (irritability, anger, sadness, and moody). 

While the late teens already started to be able to control it. Teens who thrive in an environment that is less conducive, emotional maturity is inhibited. So often experiencing negative consequences in the form of behavior "wrong custom" .
Pikologi problem teenagers example

1) Aggressive: fight, stubborn, fighting, lots of disturbances and others
2) Running from reality ( regressive ): dreamy, quiet, loner, taking a sedative, alcohol, or drugs
While adolescents who live in a conducive and harmonious environment can help teens become emotional maturity:
1) Adequacy (accuracy) of emotions: love, compassion, sympathy, altruistic (happy to help), respect (respect and respect for others), friendly, and others
2) Controlling emotions: not easily offended, not aggressive, reasonable, optimistic, not explosive, face failure in a healthy and wise

 ii.   Moral developments Adolescent Psychology

Teens have been able to behave not only pursuing physical satisfaction, but increased in the psychological order (to feel accepted, valued, and positive ratings from others).

   iii.   Social development Adolescent Psychology

Teens has developed the ability to understand others ( social cognition ) and make friends. Teens choose friends who have a psychological nature and quality is relatively the same as himself, for example, the same hobbies, interests, attitudes, values, and personality.

Developments attitude quite vulnerable in adolescents is the attitude of comformity is a tendency to give up and follow how their peers do. For example, in the case of opinions, thoughts, values, lifestyles, habits, interests, desires, and others.

   iv.   Personality development Adolescent Psychology

Adolescent psychology. The central issue in adolescents is the future development of identity (identity) which will be the basis for adulthood. Teens getting busy and excited with the problem of "who am I?" ( Who am I? ). Related to this is also troubled teens looking for idols in his life that made role models and pride. Important factors in the development of the personal integrity of the adolescents ( adolescent psychology ) are:
1) Physical growth increasingly mature, consequences for adults behave well
2) Sexual maturity implies encouragement and new emotions
3) The emergence of consciousness of self and reevaluate obsession and ideals
4) The need for interaction and friendship wider with similar and opposite sex friends
5) The emergence of conflicts as a result of the transition from childhood to adulthood.

Late teens have started to understand, direct, develop, and maintain identity

Late teens anticipatory actions are:
1) Trying to be cautious in their behavior and addressing excess herself
2) Assess the purpose and the decision to become a man desirable models
3) Taking into account the ethics of the people, the will of the parents, and the attitude of his friends
4) Develop a personal attitudes

g. Developments Religious Awareness

Faith and the heart is the determining one's behavior and actions. How is this spiritual development occurs in adolescent psychology? In accordance with the development of critical capabilities adolescent psychology to highlight religious values carefully. They began to bring religious values into the hearts and lives. But they also look critically-lameness lameness in society whose lifestyles little concern for the value of religion, hypocritical, dishonest, and other immoral behavior. This is where faith and spiritual idealism adolescents experience collisions and exams .

task Progress

Some of the tasks that must be completed development of the youth in this period are:
a.        Able to establish a more mature relationship with another of the same age and gender. Youth should be able to see her as a woman and as a young man. Being an adult among other adults. Learning to work with other people to achieve certain goals, can let personal feelings and being able to memimpi without dominating.

b.       Being able to perform a social role as male and female. Able to appreciate, accept and do a squeeze-social role as male and female adults.

c.        Receiving his physical condition and be able to use it effectively. Teens are required to love and respect other people's conditions, can preserve and maintain the condition of badanya.

d.       Having keberdirian himself emotionally from parents and other adults, teens are expected to have been freed from dependence as a child from his parents, to love and appreciate oranag elderly parent or a dewasalainnya without depending on them.

e.        Having keberdirian itself in the economic field. Especially in boys, then gradually also grow in a woman or child feeling to earn their own living.

f.        Being able to choose and prepare for any work. Kids have been able to make a career plan, choose a suitable job and he is doing and mamapu mamapu make appropriate preparations.

g.       Learn to prepare themselves for marriage and life berkeluaga. Having a positive attitude towards family life and having children. Fatherly women had the knowledge and kemamapuan to care for children and household.

h.       Develop concepts and intellectual skills to live in a society. Develop concepts of law, government, economics, politics, social institutions suited to modern life, develop thinking and language skills to be able to solve the problems of modern society.

i.         Having a social peerilaku as expected by society. Can participate with a sense of responsibility for the progress and prosperity of modern society.

j.         Memeiliki set of values that guide the perbuayannya, already has a set of values that can be applied to life. There is a willingness and effort to realize. Being able to create a life in harmony with others.


 Gunarsa, S. D. (1989). Psikologi perkembangan: Anak dan Remaja. Jakarta: BPK. Gunung Mulia.

Hurlock, E.B. (1991). Psikolgi Perkembangan Suatu Pendekatan Sepanjang Rentang Kehidupan (Terjemahan oleh Istiwidayanti dan Soedjarwo). Jakarta : Penerbit Erlangga.

Mongks, F. J. , Knoers, A. M. P. , & Haditono, S. R. (2000). Psikologi Perkembangan: Pengantar dalam berbagai bagiannya. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.

Muss, R. E. , Olds, S. W. , & Fealdman (2001). Human Developmen. Boston: McGraw-Hill Companies.

Sukma, S. N. 2003. Landasan Psikologi Proses Pendidikan.Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya.

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