Nose Section and Function Complete

 Nose Section and Function Complete 

Nose is an organ in humans that has 2 functions at once, namely as a means of sense of smell (smell) and as a respiratory organ. To perform this function, the nose is equipped with various important parts. What are the nasal passages and their functions? What about the anatomy of the outer nose? Check out the following exposure!

Nose Section and Function

Nose Section

The parts of the nose can be examined from the structure of the morphology from the outside and from the anatomical structure. To the outside, the morphology of the nose consists of several parts, including the bridge, the nose (dorsum rice), the tip of the nose (tip), the style of the rice (the wings of the nose), the columella, and the nostrils (anterior nares). As for the inside, the anatomy of the nose consists of more specific parts with their respective functions. The nasal passages and their functions can be explained as follows!

1. Nose Cavity

The nasal cavity is the hole where the various nose organs are attached to perform their functions, both as the sense of smell and the breathing apparatus. The nasal cavity in humans is equipped with a nasal hair that serves to filter any impurities that enter through the breathing. The nasal hairs on the nasal cavity produce a solid that we are familiar with as upil. Nasal hair is important for the health of our respiratory system.

2. Cartilage and Nasal Bone

The nose is protected by two separate bones. Both bones are cartilage and nasal bone. Cartilage is located at the tip of the nose, the texture is very soft and can be moved. While the nasal bone is located between the cartilage and the forehead.

Boxers or those who work as martial arts athletes, these two nasal protective bones will generally be operated and removed so as not to harm when hit by a blow.

3. Sinus cavity

The nose has 4 separate sinus cavities. The four are the maxillary sinus (on the cheek), the frontal sinus (on the forehead), the etmoidal sinus (between the two eyes), and the sinus sphenoid (behind the forehead). The sinus cavity has many functions, including:
Produces mucus that flows in and moisturizes the nose and drains nasal mucus.
To keep the humidity of the nose and air as one breathes.
Keeping the air exchange in the nose area.
Lighten the heavy head.
Protecting vital organs.
Maximize sound quality.

The mucus produced by the sinus cavity in addition to maintaining the moisture of air entering the lungs, can also help foreign pollutants such as dust, dirt, and chemicals dissolved in the air that we live.

4. Part of Olfaktori Bulbus

In carrying out its function as a sense of smell, the nose is supported by a part called bulbus olfactory. The part of the nose and its function on the bulbus olfaktori part is:

A. Olfactory bulge

The olfactor bulges play a role in receiving all the impulses that axons send and bringing them to the brain. The speed of impulse delivery from the axon to the olfactor bulge to the brain is remarkable. This is what makes us able to translate a smell when first breathing air. Also Read: The Ear Parts and Its Functions

B. Axons

Axons (neurites) are neuronal connecting cells that carry the impulses of the nerves of the smell. Impulse or information received by the nerves of the smell of information about what the smell or smell of air is inhaled by the nose. Axon size in the nose one micrometer (1μm).

C. Nerves of smell

The smell nerves are receptors that receive the stimulus from the inhaled gas. This section consists of 7 kinds of receptor cells that are able to recognize more than 400 kinds of aroma. In dogs, the scalding nerve has more receptor cells. This is what causes the dog can smell the aroma in a more specific and multiple levels. The ability of a dog to translate an odor is used in the police world to recognize the traces of the perpetrator.

D. Silia

The nasal hair in the outer nasal cavity has a large size. The deeper, these feathers will have a finer and smaller size. This nose hair is called cilia (cilia). In addition to filtering out particles that are missed by the nose hair, cilia also push the mucus (mucus) produced by the sinus cavity. This mucus flows out and cleans the nasal cavity of all kinds of impurities.

When the cold, bulbus work olfaktori not so significant. It can not receive a perfect stimulus because of the presence of mucus or mucus that blocks the entry of receptors into the nervous system

5. Nasofarin

Nasopharynx comes from 2 words, namely naso which means the nose and pharynx which means throat. Therefore, the nasopharynx is the part of the respiratory system that connects the nose and throat. When choking, this is the part that stimulates pain in the nose. Well, so part of the nasal passages and their respective functions in supporting the work of the nose as a respirator (respiration) and sense of smell. Hopefully it can be well understood and can help mastery your material in the chapter of the five senses. Regards!

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