structure of the ear. outer ear, inside and How We Can Hear well as how to care for the ears

 Ear Structure

hearing process is very important for humans, with the hearing we can find out information clearly apart assisted senses such as sight and ainnya. Hearing needed ear as the main organ. Where the ear will be central to act receive in voice and menyampainya impulses to the brain that is processed into information received. In general, we hear with a frequency of about 30- 2-. 000 Hertz. But there are some certain people can hear about 16 to 20,000 Hertz. elinga man consists of three parts: the outer ear, the middle ear and the inner ear.
Hasil gambar untuk structure of ear

1.       The outer ear

The outer ear serves to focus the sound which is beyond the ear so it can fit into the ear canal so that sound is channeled to the lining of the ear. Part of the outer ear consists of the ear, outer ear canal, and the membrane tympani or what we call eardrum bordering areas diatara middle ear

2.       The middle ear

The middle ear consists of the eardrum membrane and ossicular bones are made up of three bones , the Malleus, incus, and stirrup. three relate to one another with mutual joints as connecting and move freely. Toward the front of the ear tenga has a small cavity filled with air , is located in the bone oelipis, and the walls are lined epithelial cells Telinga the center very close to the throat and are interconnected by the throat by Eustachus fallopian tubes. This channel serves to balance the external ear of the middle ear. 

3.       The inner ear

Inside the inner ear have a name labyrinth osea that where there are several temples bone cavities and coated by a periosteum contains perilymph fluid and labyrinth membranase. Is a maze that looks similar to the labyrinth osea but differentiate only letah membranase maze is in part a deeper and epithelial cells coated seta contains endolymph fluid.

Osea labyrinth consists of three parts: the cochlea, canal semisrkularis, and the vestibule.Semicircular canals and the vestibule contains receptors balance of the body, while the cochlea contains the auditory receptor.

B.     The process of hearing

Daat ear to hear if there is a sound wave. Sound wave is a change in density and renggangan air molecules caused by bergetarnya an object.

The initial stage is the outer ear from the outer ear special strutktur namely outer ear acts like a funnel which collects sound waves and then distributed to the outer ear canal. and go through the air. Once entered ultimately eardrums are tasked with capturing the voice quivering. These vibrations are then transmitted by the existing bone in the middle ear to the inner ear was precisely at the threshold of the nerves. This nerve nerve impulses finally delivered to the brain in order to dilah be something we hear. Besides the ear also serves as a counterweight body

C.    Ear As Sense Balance

A special performance of the system is done by a sense of balance located in the inner ear.Sense of balance are structurally located close to the sense of hearing that is in the bagwhen viewed carefully the location   of this balance is DIBAG ian behind the ear in the so formed a special structure such as the structure of the utricle and saccule, and semicircular canal. Mengatutur these have happened to the third structure of the body balance its structure had been in direct contact with  parts of the balance of brain nerve VIII. Thus the nerve VIII contains two components yaiitu auditory component and the component balance.

D.    Abnormalities in the Ear

blockage of the ear by ear wax In addition there are also such as deafness which ear can not hear the sound again caused by damage to specific organs namely the eardrum, or other things like clogged ear space, nerve damage perndengaran also called ear bone calcification. In addition to a broken eardrum also occur because of noise pollution In older people usually deafness due to the rigidity of the eardrum and the bones in the inner ear   is not good in the work again.
There is also Congklek caused by a viral or bacterial infection yanga da in certain parts of the middle ear.

E.     How to get healthy ear

Healthy ear is the desire of every person. How the ear is not very important special organ, ear tapa Arna colorful world we can not fully rasai, like missing one or several colors when the ear is damaged. How to get healthy ears is to clean the ear with a cotton swab and do not use a hard object or a sharp oun it can lead to damaged and tearing of eardrums. But there is a special liquid that serves to clean the ears of dirt performed periodically even if we do not do the cleaning because the ears have special protection to avoid from a variety of bacterial infections.

F.     References

Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam 4: untuk SD/MI kelas IV/Budi Wahyono dan Setya 

Nurachmandani.— Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2008.

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