Order piperales, Order Illiclales, Order Nymphales, Order Papverales

Advanced orders magnoliidae
5. Order piperales
The next order of piperales here I will explain each of the first species is pepper (Piper nigrum) is classified in the plant in the form of an annual herb however, characterized his life climbing. In organ stem is round and segmented sections ditipa trunk, has a branch in each ruasnya, there is a root patches, the type of single leaves, and bangunya ovoid, type the base of the leaves, such as the heart, sharp edges, the edges of the leaves are not encountered a wave or average, approximately 5 cm above the leaf length, width is 2-5 cm, has pertulangan pinnate leaves, a lot of chlorophyll can be seen from the color of the color green. type compound interest, such as grains where the grain hang on petioles, 3.5 to 22 cm long grain, grain color is also green. Classified in the pepper fruit berry, round, young parents still green and red.

Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: piperales
Family: Piperaceae
Genus: Piper
Species: Piper nigrum L.

Messengers (Peperomia pellucida H.B. & K.) Is highly preferred type of weed habitat humid place, then this tumuhan somewhat protected so many properties and functions. His trademark is

Herba habitus form with a height of about 10-20 cm.
b. In Trunk: Upright growing, and not hard (soft), color light green stems.
c. Leaves: Single type with spiral sit wake oval leaves have a long range 1-4 cm long and 0.5-2 cm wide, tapered tip type, and the base of the leaf with nock, flat leaf edges, leaf pertulangan curved, smooth and soft, green leaf color.
d. Flower: Compound type, flower shapes such as grain, where the flower is the tip of the stem or in the armpit leaves 2-5 cm long ears, stalk-type soft and yellowish white color.
e. In organ Fruit: Round berbentu small but has a green color. With Seed: also the same, namely Spherical, small, but black. Roots-type fibers, and white colors.

Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: piperales
Family: Piperaceae
Genus: Peperomia
Species: Peperomia pellucida H.B. & K

Red Betel (Piper crocatum) is a creeping plant to other plants in the stem and a round shape purplish green is not accompanied with flowers. The leaves have a stalk-type leaf shape looks like a heart-tapered end portion of the leaf. Leaf-type criss-cross or face of the stem, the leaves have a red color with silvery cokrak clicking on the leaf surface gloss but uneven. The difference is other species of green betel leaves of red silvery, but Juka leaf begins torn out slime and smells more fragrant. Breeding vegetatively by grafting resulting penyetekan or not found interest in this betel.

Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: piperales
Family: Piperaceae
Genus: Peperomia
Species: Piper crocatum

Kisereh (Piper aduncum) is a plant type Liana, lives yearly. Woody stems have a leaf shape is oval with a pointed tip, leaf base rounded, flat leaf edges in each book, have stalks that no fluff, bersilindris leaves about 5-10 mm, the approximate length of the leaves 10-14 cm, width 5-6 cm, menjari bones. Type Compound interest, flower-shaped grains, flowers unisexual or two, had a bract is stemmed, the interest curve, the organ stamen precisely ditangkai stamens size is short, anthers are very small, have ovaries that sitting, the amount of stigma around 2 -3 short. While the type of berry fruit that has a short stalk, shaped grains with a length of 12-14 cm Nearby, young dikala greenish yellow color, after the old green. And what kind of seeds are small, brown color. Roots-type riding and pure white.

Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: piperales
Family: Piperaceae
Genus: Peperomia
Species: Piper aduncum

Betel (Piper betle) habitus is Perdu his way to propagate and reach a height of 15 m Area. has a greenish-brown stems, stalks are round there with roads that are used for discharge of the roots. Leaf types such as the heart, which grew face or alternately, have stalks, will emit a distinctive odor when disremas savory smell. The fruit berry fruit types and a round shape grayish green. Its root is a taproot root rounded shape and yellowish brown.

Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: piperales
Family: Piperaceae
Genus: Peperomia
Species: Piper betle
Kemukus in Indonesian (Piper cubeba) has a characteristic single leaves, stalks, sat alternate, shape oval or ovoid elongated, the base of the heart or rounded, tapered tip short, surface-haired pubes, with glands meeting, compound interest grains (strand ), fruit 3-15 mm, crimped base rounded, dark orange, diameter 6-8 mm. Seed round ball.

Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: piperales
Family: Piperaceae
Genus: Peperomia
Species: Piper cubeba

Wati leaf (Piper methysticum) has a wake-up shrub caused yet to reach 4 m in length. batangn kind of hard, dark brown, and segmented, type of cardiac wake leaves grow opposite (alternately), diameer around leaves klau views of lengths ranging from 15-20 cm, width 10-15 cm. no penancap at its root and direction of growth erectus, does not spread, but the kind of fruit compound grains have a form shelf accompanied by sulindris, also classified in the fruit berry.

Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: piperales
Family: Piperaceae
Genus: Peperomia
Species: Piper methysticum

Java chili (piper retrofractum) classified in the plant who have lived for years, the characteristics of the stem has a branching wild, growing climbing but wrapped around the other plants, or move along the ground with their sticky root, stem length could be approximately 10 m. Branching first grow from the base of the structure as hard as wood. Type of single leaves and stalks, leaf shape oval to oblong, rounded base, leaf tip tapering, flat edge, have a bone pinnate leaves, on slippery surfaces. Type Flowers unisexual and are arranged in a flower there grows upright ears there is also a bit of ducking, the characteristic length of the ears of the male over the female ears. Fruit compound is a grain, the shape is also elliptical to cylindrical, at the end of the shrink, the fruit surface is not flat but on a regular, young green, hard spicy taste, past the color a row to be amber to red, leaf structure soft and sweet , Seed round flat, hard, blackish brown.

Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: piperales
Family: Piperaceae
Genus: Peperomia
Species: Piper retrofractum

6. Order Illiclales 

 The fifth is the order illiclales which has the Specific Characteristics such as in organ rocky 3-6 leaf shape, which was flavorful. In no part periathium Flowers but not differentiated into Calix and corolla. And Gymnacium Area 5-13 free carpels which are spread in a circle like a star. While fruit shapes like star, who split ventral section.
To habitusnya form of a small tree or shrub with aromatic odor. The leaves have a single, alternating (sight), not equipped Stipule or on the edge of the leaf stipules average, for bone pinnate leaves. Flowers have a medium-sized or small, then axillary or supra-axillary normally on the main stem; type of bisexual sex with perianthium (Calix or corolla yet terdiferensisasi) about 2-3 layers, has many stamens, consisting of 2-3 lines, carpel just as much, but are separated, there are only two circular arrangement, have only one ovule in each room. The fruit is generally folikulus, while the endosperm of seeds include that much. In this Order has the largest families of magnoliales with about 130 genera and 2300 kinds of scattered tropical region.

Anise commonly used spices to be flavoring for food, like cinnamon and clove. Star anise is also widely used in Indian cooking rich spices for curry, for example. Nation Thailand, Vietnam and Indonesia are also a lot of wear anise for flavoring dishes. In Indonesia, this spice is used in some areas that are typical spicy dishes. For example, goulash Aceh, Padang rendang, dishes Java, and Bali.

7. Order Nymphales
Nymphaeales classified in water plants. Here are described some of speseis this Order with certain characteristics.

1. White Lotus
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Subclass: Magnolidae
Order: Nyimphales
Family: Nympahaeaceae
Genus: Nymphaea
Species: Nymphaea nouchali

The lotus flower genus of flower types nimphaea mrupakan life on the water is calm, and do not like muddy water, living on leaves his trademark wide. The lotus flower in the Indonesian language is also commonly referred to as the lotus. Characteristic of this flower grows on the surface of the water (not float), then flushed or lotus petals white to yellow, the leaves form a full circle and we can take from the rhizome.
Important organs such as flowers and leaves are above the water while roots form rhozoma there in the water. flower and leaf out from the stalk coming from rhizomes that are in the mud at the bottom of the pond, river or swamp. Stalks are in the middle of the leaf. Waking up in the form of rounded leaves sometimes oval-shaped with a width in potng by fingers to the base. Not found lilies lining the surface of the leaf serves to water when he fell into the leaf surface does not form droplets.
A special characteristic of this species is when Lotus grows in the water very muddy (dirty, brown) will change the color of the flowers more beautiful and nice. And also the color when the AKN more striking colors such as flower color when white is white, if red is red, when the brighter the color pink.

There is a special cavity contained in stems and roots that has the function as the air is a specific characteristic of the lotus flower. The structure of lotus leaves are wider and thinner mempunyi major role when the sun shines, especially during an evaporation process takes place. thus simplifying the evaporation of the flower.

There is a special cavity contained in stems and roots that has the function as the air so classified in the special characteristics of the lotus flower. The structure of lotus leaves are wide and thin has a major role when the sun shines, especially during an evaporation process takes place. thus simplifying the evaporation of the flower.

This white lotus plant species are classified in an aqueous herbal but is covered by the outer shell. , The outer skin of the structure is smooth and green, and the shape is round. Herba on plant type is categorized in the branching pattern of small and squat like a vine, when viewed from the ramifications or plant growth point is included into plants simpodial.

Judging from there branching anatomy included in equitan terletek leaves, which have a rounded structure, the leaves have pertulangan menjari type, leaf tip itself rondus, at the base of the leaf sagitatus while the average leaf edges, leaf type Nymphaea this nouchali single manifold.
White lotus has a perfect flower type in which the interest in the form of a single, white lotus petals and crown clear discount so it can be clearly distinguished. on the lid there is included a range of 15 petals and the petals are five sepals. Tools are complete, which had a pistil and stamens, pistils are less obvious, multiples ranging from 26 stamens in male ears. Many uses of this lotus. Among them can be used as decoration when having a private swimming pool in the house.

Nymphaea nouchali habitus is hidrofita that grows in swamps or areas of stagnant water, floating or have roots that can reach the bottom of the water. simpodial branch, in terms of round cross-section. Leaves floating in the water or sink, but some are appearing on the water. Nouchali Nymphaea single leaf, filotaksis scattered, round leaf shape, bone pinnate leaves, leaf edge wavy, rounded leaf tip and base of the leaves are shaped like a heart (kordatus).
Stamens 3 to many, largely sterile and turned into parts that resemble the leaves of the crown.
Nouchali Nymphaea single flower, symmetry aktinomorf, with flower tent number 3 to a lot of white with monadeltus type, which serves as the leaf sheath, or just 6 leaf flower tents arranged in two circles. Lotus petals numbered 4, the bottom of the green and white uppers. There stamens 3 to many, largely sterile and turned into parts that resemble the leaves of the crown. As for the sex distribution is done anemogami.
Fruit will ride or half-drowned, sometimes altogether sunk totaling 3 to many, independently of one another or attaches, often immersed in the basic interest, each bears lots, each room with 1 to many ovules that laminal. The fruit resembles the brackets or buni. Seeds have coated seeds, most of the endosperm and perisperm, straight institution (Tjitrosoepomo, 2010: 183-184).
Benefits nouchali Nymphaea flowers are beautifying waters, as a cure diarrhea, as a place to attach the fish eggs on ponds or lakes (Anonymous, 2012).

Observation of the lotus flower lotus flower ros ros that which is included into the subclass magnolidae that which has the following classifications

2. Lotus flower ros

Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Subclass: Magnolidae
Order: Nyimphales
Family: Nympahaeaceae
Genus: Nymphaea
Species: Nymphaea stellata
Lotus flower ros has habitus (stature) herb, watery covered by an outer shell that is smooth and green, globular .Herba This has ramifications are small and short like a vine, when viewed from the ramifications or plant growth point is included into plants simpodial.
In branching are located equitan leaves, the leaves have a spherical shape, with bone menjari, the tip of the leaf itself rondus, while the base of the leaves sagitatus and its leaf edges flat, leaf type Nymphaea stellata is a single manifold.
In this ros lotus flowers also are perfect flower and single flower sorts, in which petals and crown is visible clearly, there are petals petal crown number 15 there are 4 sepals and petals. Genitals this flower is the pistil and stamen, pistil itself is not visible, stamens, totaling 26 on the male ears.

8. Order Papverales

This nation includes herbs for mostly herb with leaves that seat dispersed without Stipule. Generally pansy flowers, flower ornament in the form of petals and a leafy crown off. Stamens as many crowns or more.
This plant traits Upright, annual herb with a height of 15-50 cm, grooved stems and hairy, issued aroma. The leaves are alternate, intact until paripinnately. Anise instead of real flowers, it is the fruit produced by a kind of small trees. The tree height can reach 8 meters. He has a pretty yellow flower. Anise reproduce through seeds. The fruit is picked before ripe and dried with the help of sunlight.

Subclass Magnoliidae has members all over the world, especially in tropical, subtropical, and being. This is true of Annonaceae, Myristicaeae, and Magnoliaceae, three of the largest family in the order magnoliales. Some species found in Australia, New Guinea, and Fiji. Winteraceae (magnoliales) is mainly found in the southwest Pacific, including New Guinea, New Caledonia, and Australia. Some species occur in Central and South America. Piperales and aristolochiales occurs almost exclusively in tropical and subtropical regions of the world, as well as Laurales, which can be found in Australia and subtropical well. Some families of Nymphaeales cosmopolitan, but many are generally found only in Asia. Ranunculales inhabit northern tropical and subtropical regions, including South America and Southeast Asia. Papaverales thrives in temperate regions of the northern hemisphere, South Africa, and Australia. Illiciales dominant in Southeast Asia, the southeastern United States,and
the Caribbean


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