Facts about immortal animals

 Facts about immortal animals

      Well gan see you again on the topic about you must know this time I will discuss about eternal animals. Recently a biological researcher discovered a spinal animal that lived a very long life and arguably this animal is an immortal animal. 
      Every creature has a lifespan to be either long or short as humans generally live 60 years. There is a fly dragon life around 5 minutes. But we have to know there are some animals given the gift with long life.

          Animals classified as having long life one of them are porous animal sponges and are classified in invertebrate animal species. Length of life ranges 11. Thousand years gan. Whereas its very simple structure has a length of about 3 meters
      Sponges are multicellular metazoa animals, belonging to the phylum poryfera, which have structural differences with other metazoans. Because the entire body of the sponge is formed from the pore system, channels and spaces so that water can easily flow in and out continuously. These animals search for food by sucking and filtering water through the body actively. The pores are osculum and ostium, very thin body wall consisting of a very thin outer skin consisting of an outer skin epitelium, mesenskrim and an inner layer containing koanocyte cells in the body there is a building called a spicula. 
       The organization of the body is still at the cellular level because its cells tend to work independently and there is no coordination. Digestion of the porifera is still the level of unterseluler which is the digestion of food that occurs cell level / Inside the cell. The process begins to enter the cells into the pores through the ostium and then the water enters the body along with the palanktin which is the source of food, through microfibrils there are koanocyte cells layer of epidermis porifera, plankton and filtered bacteria. Amoeboid cells have a duty to circulate the catch to the entire body of the porifera. The water that enters along with the food will be re-thrown through the oskulum. Several other types of sponges have been known to have such mammals as for polluting bioindicators, in community interactions and also used as abrasive. Some types of sponges are rich in chemical compounds such as carotene, free amino acids, sterols and fatty acids.

                 That's the hallmark of these porous animals is still very simple right. But do not underestimate the simplicity that makes it has the advantages and the grace of longevity.

                 Do you know the structure of metozoan that makes it able to last long, because the structure is not eating complex to make cells in the body can not develop well
                 In addition to sponges there are also other animals that have longevity is quahog mussels where this new animal died at the age of 507 years, very long is not it ?? Though humpback whales that he said long live it can only live generally reaches 200 years. The long life of the whale is affected by the habitat in which it lives. The pope will live long if he is in a cold environment due to its low temperatures that slow the proliferation of cells in the cell.
                 Some of the above are animals that live in the water especially the ocean, what about the landed. There are also some examples of which are the giant tortoise aldabra given the name with jonathan, this animal is the oldest land animal with 183 years old and living in western Africa.
   Furthermore there is wisdom the albatross bird that can live around 65 years but even though this bird is old he can still lay eggs and the child of the egg is still healthy, the other uniqueness of this bird is late adult and reproduce not as often as a small bird it makes it He lived a long life.

                 Usually birds that have small structures can only live the longest 5 years and its location in the wild is not a cage. That's why it has to reproduce frequently to continue its life cycle.

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