What is the Sporozoa classification of species traits

What is the Sporozoa classification of species traits

Of the Fifth Phylum in the kingdom of protista, which has the title Apicomplexa with one of its characteristics is intracellular parasite obligate. Sporozoa first name of Apicomplexa during reproduction, forming reproductive cells known as spores.

Many sporozoans is a species of parasites and pathogens such as Plasmodium (P. falciparum, P. malariae, P. vivax), Toxoplasma gondii, Pneumocysts carinii, coccidia, Babesia, Cryptospridum (C. parvum, C. muris), and Gregarian.

The reproductive cycle Sporozoa has both asexual and sexual phases. The asexual phase is called schizogoni (from Greek, meaning generation through division), in which the merozoit (child cell) is produced through multiple cleavage processes. Sexual phase known as sporogoni (ie, generation of spores) and followed by gametogony or production of sexual reproductive cells called gamonts.Setiap gamonts pair formed gamontocyst which is divided into two gamonts, preceded by repeated division, coming from many gametes. Gametes fused together in pairs, forming a zygote and the process of undergoing meiosis (cell division), thus forming a new sporozoit. When sporozoites begin to attack (infection) new host cells, the life cycle begins again. This general description of the Sporozoan life cycle has several variations between different species and groups.

Sporozoans do not have a propulsion like flagella to move, then how do they move ?? Of course by sliding, or motilitasnya change shape some of the way to move. Except for male gametes in the sexual phase, which has a flagella for motility.

All Sporozoa have cellular structures known as apical complexes, so they are included in the Apicomplexa classification system. Sporezoa cellular organization consists of apical, microporous, microtubular complexes in the cytoskeleton, and cortical alveoli.
Apical complex consists of cytoskeletal structures and secretory form conoid (small open cone) which is regulated by microtubule and two apical rings, and secretory vesicles known as micronemes and rhoptries. This apical complex allows Sporozoans to attack host cells.

The Plasmodium species is a parasite that causes malaria in humans and animals and has infected about 300 million people worldwide, with an estimated one million new cases each year. They are transmitted through Anopheles (vector) female mosquitoes that channel the Plasmodium sporozoite present in the mosquito's salivary glands into the host bloodstream. 

Once in the bloodstream, Plasmodium sporozoites invade erythrocytes (red blood cells) and migrate to the liver to infect hepatocytes, where they will undergo asexual division process in the reproductive phase. When the merozoit stage is formed, they release it into the circulation again, where they become trophozoites, and will form new merozoites that attack the erythrocytes, so that the reproductive cycle process will continue to repeat itself. Anopheles female mosquito sucks merozoit together with host blood (human) earlier. after Ingestion merozoites zygote will be formed in the body of the mosquito, and then develop into oocysts, from which will be formed and the sporozoites migrate to the salivary glands of Anopheles', ready to infect a new host next. Malaria can also be transmitted through infected blood transfusions.

In cats may also be infected where it is channeled through the Babesia louse vector that will cause fever, peripheral capillary bleeding, and anemia. And will be contaminated into human slugs, through food consumed that has been contaminated by ookista that exist in cat feces. 

However, this parasite can also infect other hosts such as birds and other mammals, and humans can be infected by ingesting raw or undercooked meat that is contaminated. Pregnant women may experience miscarriage if already infected, or blindness and mental retardation in children caused by toxoplasmosis will enter through the placenta to janin.pencegahan like cleaning the cat feces and cat care can prevent infection, and avoid undercooked meat.

Pneumocysts carinii cause pneumonia in plasma cell interstitials when cysts containing inhaled trophozoites. Cryptosporidium parvum is usually transmitted through consumption of water or food contaminated with oocysts, causing intestinal infections and, in immunodepressed patients, diarrhea may become chronic, accompanied by fever. Coccidia species infect epithelial tissue from both vertebrates and invertebrates while the Gregarian species are found in invertebrate body cavities, such as earthworms.

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