What is moss and general characteristics, classification, habitat, reproduction and usefulness for human

What is moss and general characteristics, classification, habitat, reproduction and usefulness for human

Moss is a group of epiphytic plants found mostly in tree trunks, dead wood, decayed wood, soil, or rocks, with humid environmental conditions and adequate irradiation. Research on the diversity of mosses has been widely practiced but research on the variety of mosses that grow in Pandanaceae especially in Pandanus clan has not been reported yet.

Sporophyte generation in moss plants is no more complex than seed plants (Spermatophyta). Breeding tools in seed plants in the form of flowers that are a collection of sporofil leaves, whereas in plants moss sporofilnya collection does not form flowers. Male gamete cells (Sperm) in the form of pollen while female gamete cells (egg cells) in the form of embryo pouch .

Moss is a transitional organism that resides in a kingdom plantae with distinctive characteristics lacking vascular tissue and has no true roots but has a rhizoid. Moss is an autotrophic organism with chlorophyll pigments and carotenoids. Moss is an organism that lives in humid areas and generally lives symbiotic with other organisms such as fungi and algae. Moss is an organism consisting of three divisions consisting of Bryophyta, moss liver, and horn moss .

2. Characteristics of Moss

There are several characteristics possessed by moss including:
A. Moss body there are several different examples we can see the difference of body moss Hepaticopsida (moss liver) which is shaped sheet with leaf moss body (Bryopsida) which is small and upright. Likewise with the size possessed by the smallest moss is generally ranged between 1-2 cm, and most of the high about 20 cm.

B. Rizoid is a part similar to the root looks like a thread and serves as a place to absorb water and mineral salts and attached to its habitat.

C. If we observe the leaf moss is very thin just as thin as one layer of cells Only different things are found in the mother of the leaf bone is more than one layer of cells.

D. Bryophyta is a multicellular and eukaryotic organism

E. The tip of the stem Just growth but not with the development.

F. The way to transfer the meal is still very simple just a network of carriers that are empelur without having the vessels either floem or xulem, empelur absorb water through rizoid by diffusion.

G. In the development of reproduction of moss plants have 2 ways to multiply themselves or can be known by rotation offspring through two phases such as gametophyte phase (haploid) and sporofit phase (diploid).
H. Male breeders are anthredium and females are arkegonium

3. Habitat of Moss

Moss is a plant that has chlorophyll where water is obtained by diffusion through rozoid so it can photosynthesize. Moss is mostly terrestrial or living on land. Moss is very easy to find in most places in humid places (higrofit) due to the absence of a cuticle layer that inhibits evaporation of water but is also present in soil, walls, weathered rocks, and attaches or epiphytes in the bark, but there is also a living moss in the water Known as hydrophytes. An example of a living moss in water is Ricciocarpus natans.

4. Reproduction of Moss

As moss above the moss, Lumut has a hereditary rotation with saprophyte and gametophyte, gametophyte is obtained by reproduction of vegetative moss (asexual) where through spore formation by division of spore stem cell meiosis in sporangium (spore box). The spores will then grow into a gametophyte. Specific lichen moss plants have an asexual (vegetative) reproduction performed by gemmae cup formation and fragmentation, fragmentation is the breaking of some parts of the body. While reproduction is sexual (generative) through fertilization of ovum by spermatozoid which then produce zygote. Zygote will grow into sporophyte. Sporophyte has a short lifespan of about 3-6 months.

The form of moss ynag we meet in everyday life is a form of gametophyte phases not sporophytes due to gametophyte life phases longer and longer. In the life cycle of moss plants, the moss undergoes metagenesis between gametophyte generation here haploid chromosomes (n) with sporophyte generation having diploid 2n chromosomes).

· Asexual Reproduction

Asexual or vegetative reproduction, having spores with haploid chromosomes (n) produced from within its own life cycle sporangium from a differentiated protonema to form a zygote, a stem which then becomes a moss plant and enters the gametophyte phase

. Sexual Reproduction

Sexual or generative reproduction, starting from the fusion between the spermatozoid present in the anerodium (male) with the archegonium (female) ovum by means of water medium. The resulting zygote of fertilization will then develop into an embryo, after which the diploid diploid sporophyte (2n) has a spore box (sporangium) and will produce a homosfor spore.

4. Moss Classification

Classification is based on the constituents in the body and the development of gametes and spores. There are 3 classes that are grouped with 16 thousand species identified. Here are three classes:

A. Musci (leaf moss) 

Called leaf moss because in this type of moss leaf has been found even though the size is still small. Moss inihodup in various places either in dry places such as bare anah, in grass, rocks etc. Due to its diverse life span impacted also on the structure of his body. Dry moss areas form a cushioned body, in forest soil forming a tapestry-like layer, tropical areas living on tree trunks or branches. Leaf moss has 3 nations namely
- Nation Andreaeales; His characteristic protonema forms a branched band
- Nation sphagnales: mosses that grow in peat areas
- And the Bryales: the moss whose spore capsule has differentiated.
Is a type of moss that many found so most widely known. Examples of the species are Polytrichum juniperinum, Furaria, Pogonatum cirratum, and Sphagnum.

B. Hepaticae (liver liver) 

Lichen heart called so diakrenakan hepaticea structure divided into two lobes that resemble lobe liver in humans. Other characteristics of this moss are sheets (talus), unbranched rhizoides and the location of male genitalia with separate female. Can reproduce sexually with the fusion of male and female gametes, asexually with gemmae formation. There are 2 types of liverworts of liver are moss liverwheat (thallose liverwort) and leafy liverweed (leafy liverwort). Moss liver attached to the substrate with uniselluler rhizoid Example is Marchantia polymorpha.

C. Anthocerotaceae (horn moss) 

Called a horn moss because its sporophyte morphology is similar to animal horn. This moss is at least found around 100 species yanga da one ordos only. Habitat is on the banks of rivers, lakes, gullies etc. An example is Anthoceros leavis. Morphology varies (Hasan and Ariyanti, 2004). In most thalloid moss other than rhizoid also found scales. Sporophyte in this group of moss lives only briefly, soft and not chlorophyll. The cooked spores are removed from the capsule by means of a capsule rupture into 4 elongated or more sections.

5. Usefulness for everyday life

- For the formation of soil, the formation of water absorbing and keeping the soil remain in humid conditions. Examples of species are Sphagnum
- As an indicator of liver disease, Marchantia liverworm species
- As a bearing to absorb water so as to reduce u = occurrence of flood

- As a source of water when running out of water in the forest

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